Chapter 163: Always at the Last Moment (Please Vote for Monthly Ticket!)_1

A fireball roughly one meter in diameter was unexpectedly being supported in the hands of a mere human, as if it were magic from a novel, grandiose and immense, causing all nearby Apostles forced back by the heat wave to stare with widened eyes.

Such terror!

How could such a fearsome skill appear among the Second-level Apostles!

That's not right!

Some began to suspect that this shouldn't be within the abilities of a Second-level Apostle.

More likely, it was some kind of one-use prop.

Similar to a magical scroll in games.


"Kill the scum who throws faeces everywhere!"

"If he doesn't die, we in the Apostle Circle will live our lives in constant unrest!"

"For all Apostles!"

"Sacrifice our hearts!"

"Swear to utterly kill the scum who throws faeces!"

"Kill kill kill!"

All Apostles, their momentum tremendous.

Along with that fireball, as if their hopes had been ignited.

The sight of faeces flying through the sky was simply too shocking, too terrifying.