Chapter 176 Why Don't You Just Stop Being Human? (2 in 1 Mega Chapter)_3

Molly listened.

After thinking for a bit, it seemed to make some sense.

So she stopped drawing blood.

But to feel more justified, Molly still tried to make her expression calmer, "How could I predict how much is needed? Isn't it better to draw a bit more for backup? Don't worry, it looks like a lot, but it shouldn't affect you."


Molly seemed to remember something and raised her head to ask, "Oh right, I almost forgot to ask you, where did you say you felt something was off again?"

Yi Lin was speechless.

But he couldn't be bothered to argue with this lady. After all, as Molly said, the blood loss was truly no big deal.

He opened the panel to check and saw that in just this short span of time, his Life Value had already recovered to full.