Chapter 479: Even I am afraid of this shot!

If anyone among the four of them actually had a prop in their warehouse that could restore Mo Ren Di's youth, the most likely place would be in Emperor Zhucong's warehouse!

Though Yi Lin had taken a gamble, it must be said that in the end, he had bet correctly.

To be able to kill Emperor Zhucong with a single shot and make the Mass Production Type Ginseng Fruit drop, one ability and one prop played indispensable roles.

The first was the Charged Bullet supercharged mode that Yi Lin had not had a chance to use on his Attached Spirit Weapon.

But what Yi Lin did not expect was,

he had originally planned to charge up ten layers and just achieve a hundred percent Critical Rate and be done with it.

After all, anything less than a hundred percent was just castles in the air.

What he had not foreseen was that when his charge reached ten layers... it could still continue accumulating.

It turned out that the "Super·Charged Bullet" had no limits on its charge!