Chapter 533: An Insoluble Trial?

Another trial.

Joy Village.

With a new bride arriving at Joy Village, the entire village came out to welcome her, with lights hung and colors festooned, a collective celebration for the whole village.

Yet, for some reason, those lanterns all glowed with an eerie green light, the festive air somewhat overdone.

The four men carrying the palanquin, clenching a dry tobacco pipe, stood guard at the village entrance, puffing away with a rapturous expression. From their big, yellow teeth emerged smoke rings of strange shapes.

Countless pale-faced villagers, revealing grinning, ghastly white teeth, sang loudly around the black bridal sedan. From within the black sedan, that mournful, sobbing flute sound could be heard once again.

Li Erpang shrank his neck. There was something clearly off about this scene, the ghastly wind far from any sense of normalcy.

"Why are you attacking us?"