*Beth’s POV*
My father was escorted off the stage after his speech by two bodyguards, and he was gone in a second as if he had never been there at all.
“Can we please give a huge round of applause to Beth Russell?!” Owen said into the microphone.
The crowd applauded and shouted for me. The hot spotlight was shining on me, and I took my opportunity to stomp on the soldier's foot. I made sure to dig the point of my heel in.
“Ow!” the soldier shouted. I ran towards the soldiers that were trying to take away my boys.
“We have been planning the vampire capture for over a year, and Beth Russell has been the biggest contributor to our mission,” Owen continued.
This made me stop and glare at the philanthropist. He was smiling down at me with a creepy look in his eyes. He grabbed something out of his suit pocket and held it up for everyone to see. That bastard!