Chapter 3 : Don’t Mark Her


The party was starting downstairs, but I was leaning against the wall of the office watching Matt eye Jack with a mix of skepticism and irritation. I should have known we’d take notice of the same woman.

Kenna, the Nightingale Princess who traveled all the way from Ottawa for the festival, had made an impression on me instantly. She was gorgeous, but there was more than that. She was kind, intelligent, and graceful. What more could you ask for in a woman? Of course, when I mentioned that I’d invited her to the party to Matt and Jack, Jack had reacted angrily.

That was an understatement. He was pissed. Something told me we were going to find ourselves competing for her attention. Jack was going to be in for a surprise if that was the case. If Kenna found me worthy of her time, and I was a lucky man, I fully intended for tonight to be the first of many that we would spend together.

The moment I saw her, I knew that I needed her. My wolf was begging to be let loose. It was the most intense attraction I’d ever felt. I knew that the soul-deep burning I felt for her could only mean one thing–she was my mate.

But knowing Jack the way I did, I could tell that I wasn’t the only one feeling drawn to her. Jack was fuming where he stood.

“It was stupid of you to invite her here. What are you trying to accomplish by bringing a young, inexperienced princess into an environment like this? She’ll be eaten alive out there.” His eyes were fixed on me in a cold, furious glare.

The party was going to get wild, and very likely out of hand. I wasn’t worried though. I had the feeling that Kenna could hold her own. Besides, I planned on being by her side. “She’s not made of glass,” I laughed. “She can handle a little bit of fun.”

Jack glowered at me. “It’s even more foolish of you to pursue her.”

I frowned at him. Jack tended to use his intimidating demeanor against us when he was angry. It was like he forgot that we knew him too well to be scared off by a growl and a glare, no matter how intense they may be.

“Jack,” I said calmly. “As much as I respect you, I’ve got to remind you that you aren’t actually the boss of me.”

Matt laughed and I shot him a look. I wasn’t trying to escalate this.

“I’m sure your intentions are good, but your sanctimonious attitude isn’t going to convince me to give her up,” I added.

“Look, Jack,” Matt interjected. “You can join us and have some fun, or you can fuck off. It’s that simple.”

Jack stalked toward me and looked directly into my eyes. His gaze was intense, but I didn’t back down. He kept his voice low as he said, “Don’t you fucking mark her.”

It was like he could feel the way my pulse jumped when I thought of taking her. I couldn’t help but feel like he was looking right through me. I raised my eyebrows at him. It was unlike him to be so invested in a mere conquest. What kind of impression had Kenna made on him?

Cold anger was the only emotion that Jack has ever worn openly, but I swore I could see something else in his eyes. Before I could identify what it was, he turned and breezed out of the room.

I turned to Matt and motioned at the door in frustration. “What the hell was that about?” “Jack played knight in shining armor for your princess last night,” he said with an amused grin. “Apparently, Blaise approached her at the mate ball. When she rejected him, he got handsy and Jack stepped in.”

I growled at the thought of anyone getting forceful with Kenna. “Blaise is such an asshole,” I muttered.

“Oh yeah,” Matt agreed. “You know I saw her earlier today, too. She was a few yards away, but it’s hard to miss those eyes of hers. I didn't get a chance to talk to her, but I plan to get to know her.” He grinned and winked at me in a way that made his intentions clear.

It figured that Matt would handle this situation with the unfailing confidence that he approached everything with.

“Fine by me,” I said. It wasn't as though Matt and I had never had the same lover before. Even with the heat of the mate pull, the idea didn't make me jealous.

He walked to my side and slapped me on the back. “Don’t worry about Jack,” he said dismissively. “If he wants her, he knows what to do.”

That was certainly true. Jack had never had a problem hooking up with anyone he wanted. Matt walked to the door and motioned for me to follow him. I shook off the confrontation with Jack and followed Matt out the door. I was looking forward to this party, and Jack wasn’t going to ruin it for me.

We stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down at the growing crowd. I smiled at seeing so many people gearing up for an evening of dancing and pleasure.

“I’m going to find a drink,” Matt said.

I nodded at him and he headed down the stairs.

I kept scanning the crowd, looking for a woman with wavy amber hair and striking, blue hazel eyes. It didn’t take long to pick her out of the crowd. She was standing beside a pretty blonde, her cousin Juniper. Suddenly, she looked up and locked eyes with me. My wolf howled at even this minimal attention from her. I felt a grin tugging at my lips and I didn't attempt to hold it back. I let all of my lascivious intentions show in the curl of my lips, and Kenna’s eyes flitted over me in an appraising way. She seemed to approve of what she saw, because she smiled playfully at me.

I held my finger up, asking her to wait where she was, and she nodded at me. I descended the stairs quickly and made my way through the crowd. By the time I reached them, Juniper was chatting with a group of women that I didn’t know.

“Hello, Kenna,” I greeted her.

“Reid,” she responded. “Thank you again for inviting us. It looks like this party is going to be a great time.”

“I’m glad you could make it,” I said.

I couldn’t help but look her over. The dress she was wearing hugged her curves perfectly and left very little to the imagination. She was stunning, and she knew it.

Juniper turned to Kenna and tapped her arm, drawing her attention away from me. “I’m going to get a drink and catch up with some friends,” she said. “Are you alright on your own?”

“She’s not on her own,” I interjected.

Kenna smiled up at me and said, “I’m fine, Juniper.”

Juniper rolled her eyes but accepted the answer. She walked off with her friends toward a bar at the end of the room. There were several bars throughout the expansive house, to avoid any bottlenecks or overlong lines.

“It seems you’re enjoying the festival so far,” I said as I offered her my arm.

She linked her arm with mine and I led her further into the party.

“It’s incredible,” she said happily. “I know that it’s barely begun, but I am enjoying everything so far.” She frowned a little and added, “Almost everything.”

“I heard you had a bit of an incident last night.” I didn’t want to push her to talk about it if it was an upsetting topic.

She glared into the foreground and scoffed. “Some creep at the mate ball couldn’t keep his hands to himself, but it’s fine. There are guys like that everywhere.”

I had no doubt she’d encountered more than her fair share of harassment. “I’m glad it hasn’t ruined the festival for you,” I said.

“Not at all,” she said. “I wouldn’t let something like that ruin my good time. Juniper and I danced until dawn after that.”

“You like to dance?” I asked. “I’m sure you’re a wonderful dancer.”

She smirked as she took note of my wandering eyes again. “I’m not bad,” she said simply. “What about you, Reid? Care to show me your moves?”

I barely held back a growl at the teasing lilt in her voice. “I’ll show you whatever you want to see, darling,” I answered.

“Let's start with your dance moves and see how it goes,” she said. “The party’s just getting started, right? We have all night to get to know each other. Besides, I have a few moves I’d like to show you, too.”

Her confidence was alluring. I had no doubt that she could back up her remarks, and I looked forward to giving her the opportunity to do so.

She took my hand and pulled me along after her as she moved toward the next room where the dance floor was located. I watched her walk and allowed her to guide me wherever she wanted me. I probably looked like an overeager puppy, but I didn’t care.

The bass of the music was strong enough to feel before we crossed the threshold. The colorful lights blinded me momentarily, but I stayed close behind Kenna. She wasn’t phased in the least. The DJ had already lured dozens of people to the dance floor and the atmosphere of the room was energetic.

Kenna wasted no time taking in the room. She took both of my hands and dragged me to the center, grinning mischievously at me the entire time. She released my hands and started to dance. I followed suit, but I was distracted by the way her body swayed to the music.

There was an elegance to her movements, despite how unrestrained they were. She wasn’t trying to impress me; she was just doing what came naturally to her. I felt like I was being hypnotized. The way she arched her back and rotated her hips brought vivid images into my mind. The look on her face was one of pure enjoyment. She was gorgeous in every setting, but right now she was in her element, and it made her look like a goddess.

Confidence has always been an attractive trait to me. This was more than confidence though. I got the distinct impression that Kenna honestly didn’t care what anyone thought of her. She was doing what she wanted to do and what she enjoyed with no consideration for what anyone in the vicinity may think of her. She didn’t seem to notice that I wasn’t the only one watching her. She just let the music guide her.

I couldn’t resist touching her, and she grinned at me the moment I did. She pulled me into her dance, leaving the barest sliver of space between us as she swayed and turned to the music. It was maddening feeling the heat of her body but being denied the contact that I craved. I let my fingertips trail up her back and was rewarded with a shiver and a heated look.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, grinding her body against me. I felt like my blood was on fire. The way her slightest touch sparked through my nerve endings was maddening. I held her waist, holding her close as her hips rubbed against mine. I bent to brush a light kiss against her lips, just a teasing contact.

I smirked as she chased the contact, but I stayed just out of reach. “How about we take this dance upstairs?” I asked.

She grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down, kissing me eagerly. I brushed my tongue along her lower lip, but pulled back again when she tried to deepen the contact. Her eyes were bright with desire as she gazed up at me.

“Yes,” she said. “Take me upstairs.”

I kissed her quickly, then took her hand and led her through the crowded dance floor. My heart was hammering in anticipation. I couldn’t remember ever wanting anyone so badly. Jack’s warning before the party suddenly seemed much more reasonable.