Chapter 21 : Is This the Afterlife?


“Amaya,” an ethereal voice sweetly sang in my ear. “Amaya, open your eyes.” I felt a soft hand gently caress my face, tenderly brushing my hair off my forehead.

I slowly opened my eyes. The sun was shining high directly above me, it stung my eyes and everything was slightly out of focus. I was resting on a young woman’s lap but I was unable to see her face due to the backlight from the sun.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” the voice was kind and bright with a slightly posh accent that was very similar to the one my brother had. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

I sat up slowly, my body felt heavy and sore. I looked down at my left arm, the mark was gone. I felt naked without it.

The woman gently placed her hands on my shoulders, “Don’t worry. It’s gone. The sisters’ magic worked.” She kissed the top of my head and walked away.