Amaya was tied to the bed. I heard her screams and tried to prepare myself for the worst possible scenario but the reality of it all was still difficult to face.
“Get your fucking hands off my mate,” I boomed from the doorway. Hightower, the weak ass bitch, jumped up from the bed.
He smiled at me and cocked his head to the side like a rat, “The bitch is mine.”
Yeah, no. No one would speak of Amaya like that. It seemed like a minor infraction compared to all the other idiotic offenses but I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to tolerate it. I wasn’t going to hold back.
He was shorter than I’d imagined. But I could see the appeal, with his thick blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. His arrogance could come off as confident and to uneducated people, he must’ve seemed like a genius.
But I could see through him. He was a weak insecure little man who sought validation from the number of people he could use. His sense of entitlement hung around him like a bad body odor.