
The air was crisp and most as the rain fell . One could feel it's breath on your neck like the tongue of an eel . Atleast that's how the boy felt .

He stood under the great old oak tree in nothing but a raincoat , shorts and a t-shirt . He had not expected it to rain ... he was glad though .

The dark clouds above obscured the whole area and nobody would see him . The only light was from the single house a yard away from him . That's where he was going ... He really hoped no one could see him .

Taking a deep breath he took his first steps on the wet grass and walked towards the house . It was a large structure of Maplewood and had a small porch with a hanging flower pot and rocking chair .

The wooden steps creeked as the boy stepped onto the porch . His heart was hammering in his chest . He looked up at the porch light and felt no warmth from it. Stupid artificial light , he was freezing !

He looked at the front door and raised his hand about to knock but the door opened up before he could place a finger on it . He felt his skin tingle but still he entered the house .

As soon as he stepped inside ... the door shut behind him with BANG !