Tears of frozen torture

River watched as Carey turned to a cloud of blue dust . The dust shined like little pieces of stars and fell over the nun . Soon it merged to her being and her eyes fluttered open .

" Carey ? " River said hesitantly and the nun frowned .

" I remember not saying you can call me that . " The nun said but it was Carey's voice .

She got up and dusted herself off , before looking at her body . It was strange , Carey thought , he couldn't remember last he had possessed someone . He lifted her hand and clenched it into a fist .

" Let us go to the dining hall . The children should be having lunch soon . " Carey said and he proceeded to walk toward the stairs .

His movements were slow at first but he eventually began to move normally . River followed next to him , curious about his new friend's power . He could normally see essence in a body but Carey's was so infused in the nun that he couldn't make it out.

" Here , " Carey said as he reached the dining hall doors . He opened them and sure enough the children were seated and already eating their meal .

" Sister Becca ? " A Sister called her , she had been watching the children, " Why have you returned ? "

" I merely wished to pray for the children , Sister Antonette . " Carey said using the woman's memory aswell as her voice .

" But you already prayed for them and were going to see the Reverend father . " Sister Antonette said in confusion .

" Another prayer does not hurt , Sister . Now , be quiet and let me pray . " Carey said and he went to the middle of the room .

Sister Antonette nodded her head , she did not want to annoy Sister Becca . So she bowed her head and as did the other children . Carey looked around and a blue light shined in his eyes for a moment .

" Bless this place , let it be enveloped in strength . From flesh to bones , to soul to spirit , all become one . Draw power from me and power from you , until one is no longer two . I seek you , hold you and command you . " Carey said and a few children frowned in confusion .

What kind of prayer was this ?

Sister Antonette had her head bowed but she frowned aswell . What was this ? What prayer was this ? It sounded like a curse .

" Sister , I - " Sister Antonette mustered the courage to talk but just as she was about to speak , her body went limp and she fell like rag doll . And not just her , but all the children aswell .

" W-what is happening ? " River asked in fear .

Carey turned to him , his eyes a shiny blue , and he smiled , " I'm setting myself free . " He said softly and then he collapsed .

River started in shock and looked around in confusion . He looked at the fallen nun closely , and saw her life essence . When he saw its state , he quickly vanished .

He needed to find help .


Henric sat on a chair by the open window in the infirmary , his hair was ruffled by the breeze . He was facing the glass but not seeing it , instead his mind was on other matters .

His friends , Sister Cali , himself and Carey .

He was thinking about apologizing to his friends and writing to Sister Cali . Then maybe he'd ask Stuart about these feelings he has had for men , he knew his friend would explain it better than anyone .

Then there was Carey ... he wasn't sure about that . Carey was a spirit who was trapped in a mirror . Would they have a good relationship ? Could they even have a relationship ? He wondered , Carey was also angry at him for what he had done in that ' place ' . Henric knew it had been wrong and he wanted to apologize .

This didn't mean he would enter a relationship with the spirit . He didn't know how for one thing and if he did , would he have to kiss the mirror everyday ? Henric was at a loss on how he could like Carey .

Honestly , Carey was so unpredictable and Henric liked the predictable . He needed the comfort of consistency and with Carey , he wasn't sure he'd get that . But on the other hand , Carey was attentive to him . He also protected him sometimes .

Henric frowned , he kept thinking about why he should or shouldn't be with the apparition and his head was starting to ache . He sighed and got up from the chair , this was getting him nowhere . He would just talk to Stuart about it .

" Hello . "

Henric turned around in a flash when he heard the voice . As far as he had known , he was all alone and the door was closed . But as he turned around , he found he wasn't alone at all .

A medium height boy was standing infront of him . He had black hair , a bright twinkle in his eyes and he was see through . Literally . Henric looked at him and through him , making sure he wasn't dreaming .

" Who are you ? " He asked the ghost.

" My name is River and I'm a friend . " River said with a smile , " I led you to see Carey that night. Oops , he doesn't like it when I say his name . "

" You were the one who took control of Stuart ? " Henric asked with a glare and River frowned.

" It was only for a little while and I didn't touch anything I wasn't supposed to . " River said innocently.

" Why are you here and what do you want of me ? " Henric said .

" Help . I need help . They need help . He is killing them . " River said and Henric's interest was ignited .

" Who's killing who ? " He asked and River twiddled his thumbs .

" Carey . He said he wanted to play but when it was his turn , he put a curse on them . Now he's draining their life essence away . If you don't stop him , they'll all die . " He said .

" Who will die ? " Henric asked and just as he said those words a large flash of light moved from the dining hall across the whole orphanage .

Whoever the light touched , they'd instantly collapse and lay down as if they were dead . River saw this and he almost squealed . This was bad , very very bad .

" What was that ? " Henric asked him .

" He placed it everywhere . Everyone is asleep now and he'll drain them all . " River said , " Please stop him . If everyone dies then he won't come back to find me . "

" What ? " Henric asked confused .

" Use the mirror , you'll find him inside . He'll be angry at first but I'm sure he won't hurt you. Please save them , I don't want my family to die . " River said and he started to fade away , " He's even feeding off me now . Please hurry . You're our only hope . "

River faded away and Henric stood stunned , then he heard a squeaky sound . The door to the infirmary opened and there on the floor was the mirror .

Henric went to it and picked it up . He looked at it and saw something strange . The glass on the mirror was cracking and mending . Every moment a new crack would form and then heal , like it was shattering itself again and again .

" Carey ? " Henric said softly and the stone on the back glowed a bright blue . A moment later , Henric fell to his knees and then fell unconscious .

His last coherent thought was ; everytime .


The mirror's world was still relatively the same , a blue surface that went on for miles and a dark blue cloudless sky . Henric looked around and noticed something that was different .

A large tower rose up from the land , it's surface smooth and transparent like water . It was blue and Henric saw that it shined like a precious jewel . He ran to it and when he arrived he saw it was far taller than he had thought . It reached the sky and beyond .

" Help me . "

Henric gasped as a face appeared on the side of the tower . When he saw who it was he felt more shocked .

" Sister Terry ? " He asked and the face seemed to nod before it melted back into the tower .

Is this thing made of all the nuns and orphans? Henric wondered and he walked up to it . He placed a hand on the surface and was surprised that it was like touching water . With a bit of effort , he pushed his hand through and his whole body passed through .

The inside was cool and wet like a pool . Henric couldn't breath but he began to swim up . He moved steadily , his thrusts were paced evenly but the tower was colossal and eventually Henric needed air . He moved to the side of the tower to burst out and get some air but he couldn't .

The tower was not letting him out . Henric began to panic and he breathed in a bit of the liquid in the tower. Soon his strength began to fade and just as he was about to go under , the liquid began to pull him up .

It was like an elevator made of water , the liquid flowed up and he moved with it , not resisting . When he reached the top , he saw a person standing there before he burst through .

Henric took deep gasps of air , his lungs feeling like they were on fire . How could he need air in this place ? He wondered for a fleeting moment .

" What are you doing here Henric ? "

That voice , Henric thought and he looked up to see it's owner . Carey stood in his true form with the golden bracelets and necklaces , the brown cape and blue pants . His face held an ethereal look in that world though , and his normally golden brown eyes were a shiny blue .

" Carey ... " Henric said softly .

" What are you doing here , Henric ? " Carey asked again and Henric was for a moment stunned by his beauty before he snapped back to his senses

" No , no , what are you doing ? The orphanage , the orphans and nuns . What are you doing to them ? This is isn't right , using anyone for your own purposes is against - "

Carey glared at him , " Don't preach to me ! Do you not know anything you dumb child ? These nuns and that Reverend father , they don't really care about you . All they care about is their image and power . Like all religious zealots . That's the reason you're all taught to be no more than servants . "

" We are not servants to men but to the highest power . " Henric said and Carey chuckled.

" Highest power ? Isn't that me though ? " He asked, " I have all the power right now . Thanks to all their souls . "

" What are you doing to them ? " Henric asked him again .

" I'm freeing myself , what else ? You refused to do that , so I have to do it for myself . " Carey said and he looked up at the sky . He raised a hand and a crack appeared in the heavens . But just as it appeared , it faded away .

" Is it working ? " Henric asked him and the other boy glared at him again . But this time there were tears in his eyes .

Carey fisted his hands and lifted them in an arc. The sky cracked and two giant cracks appeared and just like before they faded away . Carey swiped his hands again and again and the cracked multiple times only to fix itself .

Henric watched this with a sad frown but his attention was taken when Carey fell to his knees . Carey covered his face and cried , his bitter pain turning to tears . His eyes turned from blue to their golden brown .

" I just ... I just want ... to be free . I just ..., " Carey sobbed heavily .

Why , he thought , after so many years ... why couldn't he be free ?

Carey felt himself sink into the despair he had felt in the first years of being a prisoner . His mind began to fall into the darkness of his helplessness and he would have been consumed by his pain if Henric wasn't there .

Henric kneeled next to him and placed his arms around Carey . The powerful entity was momentarily confused but then he gave in and hugged Henric back . When was the last time someone comforted him .

" I never wanted to hurt anyone . " Carey sobbed and Henric rubbed his back to comfort him .

" Then why are you doing this ? You're hurting everyone in the orphanage . " Henric said but there was no accusation in his voice .

" I'm only using them because I'm too weak to break the prison . With their help I thought I could ... forget it . It wasn't going to work . I'm going to be trapped here forever . " Carey said letting go of Henric . He had a look of dejection and sorrow on his face .

" But ... what about me ? You said you needed my help before . Did that change ? " Henric asked him .

" You showed you didn't care for me . I couldn't rely on you . " Carey said looking away and Henric frowned .

" I may have acted out of dull judgment but I did - I do care for you . " He said and he held Carey's cheeks and made him look at him .

" You may say that but it isn't true . " Carey said with a sigh , " You find me loathsome , irritating , cruel and - "

Carey was silenced as Henric kissed him . It wasn't a light graze on the lips but a deep kiss that set the world alight . Literally, the whole world around them began to glow , from the tower to the ground . It shined like lapis lazuli in the bright sun .

The tower they were on began to slowly sink into the ground but Henric didn't let go . He pulled Carey closer and deepend the kiss . He bit the others lips and savoured his flavour . His tongue moved on its own accord into Carey's mouth and a battle between their tongues ensued .

They began to taste each other , Henric was surprised to find Carey tasting like mint , strong and sharp . He kissed even deeper , wanting more of him . Carey was close behind , he loved the soft feel of Henric's lips and his sweet taste was delicious .

After a moment , an hour or a few minutes , one could never know in that place , the two seperated to catch their breaths . They looked into each other's eyes and it was as if a billion words were exchanged between them .

" How ... do I ... set you free ? " Henric asked breathlessly and Carey chuckled softly .

" If you wish to finish this , flesh to flesh then so be it . " Carey said and he moved Henric's head to his shoulder and whispered in his ear , " Pull the stone from the mirror but only if it's your truest desire . I think I'll sleep a bit , I'm tired. "

Carey sucked Henric's ear and Henric cried out in shock . Then he faded away like dust , leaving Carey all alone . The tower had long since disappeared and he looked at the ground as if expecting something to happen .

Chains rose from the ground like snakes , slithering and shaking angrily . They grabbed Carey in a vice like grip and his wrists were then shackled . He didn't cry out though , for the first time since his imprisonment he didn't call out for help .

Instead , as he was pulled down below the ground , which fluctuated like water , he smiled softly . He wasn't afraid for once .