Chapter 9: Day 8 Guns and Robots

On the eighth day, my level increased. Furthermore, "Item-to-Magical Tool Transformation" became "Object-to-Magical Tool Transformation," just as I found out from "Basic Appraisal."

My "Magical Tool Creation" level had reached 4, and now I had a broader selection of shapes I could create.

I decided to start with creating a gun. Guns also exist in this world, such as matchlock guns and magic-powered guns. They aren't very powerful, and they can't fire rapidly. Neither can break through a "Basic Barrier." Additionally, the current magic-powered guns consume a considerable amount of mana to shoot magical bullets. These guns seem suitable for countering magic attacks.

I successfully created a gun with functions like "Creation and Firing of Magic Bullets" and "Mass Mana Conversion." I also added "Transformation" and "Indestructible" functions to it. The gun consumes 1 mana point every 10 minutes and has a storage capacity of 3000 mana. With "Mass Mana Conversion," it can receive 10,000 mana per minute.

The gun can change form from a handgun to a rifle with the "Transformation" ability. The rifle has a range of 10,000 meters, and it can shoot various types of magical bullets, including impact, penetration, and explosive ones.

After creating the gun, I questioned if it was a good idea. Its usage and effectiveness need verification through practice. However, it's a weapon that cannot be released to the public due to its potential danger.

Next, I selected "Factory" from the options, giving it functions like "Basic Factory Production," "Mass Mana Conversion," and "Infinite Storage." The foundation was made using "Basic Civil Engineering Magic." The factory had material intake and product output points, as well as a control room. It could produce six different items simultaneously out of 120 available products, excluding food, medicine, and magical tools.

I created two robots with heights of 3 meters each. One had the functions "Maintenance-Free Farming" and "Mass Mana Conversion" and "Infinite Storage." The other was designed for "Maintenance-Free Mining" with the same magic abilities.

I put the robots to work, and they were able to pass through my barrier since I was their owner. The mining robot easily left the gate of the protective wall and headed towards the rocky mountain area.

After finishing today's creations, I proceeded with "Object-to-Magical Tool Transformation." I enchanted a pouch I had made with "Basic Item Production" with "Infinite Storage" and "Deterioration Prevention."

Next, I transformed the one-story house and the two-story residential building with an attached warehouse into magical tools. I granted the one-story house "Mass Mana Conversion" and "Residential Magical Tool" functions. The two-story building received "Mass Mana Conversion" and "Commercial Magical Tool" abilities. These upgrades enabled lighting, water supply, air conditioning, barrier construction, concealment, and made them transportable.

I also added functions like "Alchemy Production," "Mass Mana Conversion," "Indestructible," and "Maintenance-Free" to a box I had made with "Basic Item Production." With this, I could create magical potions, starting with basic healing potions.

After making some enhancements to my accessories, like a necklace and a wristband, and upgrading some of my magic abilities to intermediate levels, I realized it was already past noon. I had a light lunch and performed sword drills to warm up. Then, I checked my traps, went hunting and gathering, and returned to find that my mining robot had brought back more materials than expected.

By evening, I moved into the one-story house, carrying my belongings using the pouch's "Infinite Storage." I left the tent inside the pouch. Finally, I could take a relaxing bath and rest.