Chapter 12: Days 14

Day 14

Magical Tool Creation Level 10 - Max

Magical Tool Creation

Object-to-Magical Tool Transformation

Addition and Removal of Magical Tool Functions

Expansion and Adjustment of Magical Tool Functions

Special Functions

Finally reached level cap.

A box called the "Earth Net Super Purchase Box" appeared. Delivery time ranged from a minimum of 4 hours to over 15 hours. Payment options were gold dust or Japanese yen. It seemed similar to "Replication of Earth's Ingredients and Food."

I created it and promptly ordered sushi, which was delivered after 2 hours at 11 AM. Isn't that fast? The payment was in gold dust, and any remaining gold dust seemed to be recharged.

Along with the ordered items, there was a letter. The contents were astonishing.

Dear State Chef, Mr. Takashi Tashikata,

I am one of the beings responsible for overseeing the cosmos. I have prepared this letter to convey the current situation to you.

In addition to the space where Earth exists, there are many other spaces in this universe. One could say there are numerous universes. Intelligent beings' spiritual bodies traverse between different universes, with their past memories sealed.

The pit you fell into is one such passage. Normally, falling into that pit would mean certain death. Yet, you survived and arrived in another world. Many disappearances are a result of falling into this pit or are due to an improved summoning magic involving this pit.

Since you managed to arrive alive in another world, we decided to assist you. However, safely returning you to Earth isn't easy. This time, there's a real possibility you might die, so we started by observing your condition. We discovered you possess the skill "Magical Tool Creation," a skill that only a few of us have.

If you can use this skill effectively, you might survive and return to Earth. Directly intervening in other universes is challenging for us. Therefore, we asked Earth's allies to secure the same food items you possess and provided them to you. This is what we call "Replication of Earth's Ingredients and Food."

We can't transport living beings, but inanimate objects are fine. We have influenced your workplace and connections in various ways, and we've also ensured that your bank deposits and other matters are taken care of.

Finally, we've arranged to purchase items from the internet supermarket and deliver them to you. This way, you can acquire a few things from Earth.

There are individuals in that world who hold memories of Earth and are reborn with them, but the civilization there hasn't advanced much. Unreasonable situations continue.

Once you can return to Earth, we hope you'll continue to interact with that world. If you can secure and repair the malfunctioning dimensional transfer gate, you'll be able to travel between Earth and that world.

We hope you can assist with this. First, try to find a dimensional transfer gate that's likely hidden in some ruins. Sincerely,

—From the Overseers of the Cosmos

Having gained clues on how to find a way back is heartening. It might be time to head towards the town.

I added the "Encyclopedia Search Magic" to my magical tools. It feels like connecting to the internet. I can search for various information about both Earth and this world. Earth's information is more abundant, but it seems I can't transmit information from here.

I took out my smartphone, but it doesn't work.

After using "Advanced Self-Appraisal," the skill "Magical Tool Domination" appeared in my skills. Additionally, there's "Creation of Magic for Magical Tools." Could this be about creating new magic and incorporating it into magical tools? It's better to keep this information relatively unknown.

The type of building I can create now includes "Mansion." I decided to create one. A sturdy base is important. I also managed to add the ability to drill for "Hot Springs," so I'll add hot springs to the mansion.

By around 8 PM, I finished building a mansion with a hot spring. I'll probably move in tomorrow.