Mr Collins had a duplicate remote for the control of the gate and Hobbs and Shaw used it to plant me inside, that was the main help they were offering me. Once I got inside, they wished me luck and jammed the gate locked, now it was left to me to finish things up. I could see fallen Bingo, drooling all over the floor, I also saw the shattered CCTV cameras, I was proud of myself and my overall skills. I went straight to the air vent but I couldn't pass through. Those visitors cars had partially obstructed the entry making it impossible to pass through and besides the vents looked too small for me, that was why I assigned Nisi that particular task of breaking in. From where I stood in the garage area, I could hear the owners of these lavish cars speaking loudly from inside, why would they park near the garage and place an air vents near the same garage?, aren't they aware the fumes from the cars could escape through the air vents into the house and pose different forms of hazards, that wasn't my business, it just made the whole plan more complicated. Now, I needed help from someone outside, someone strong, someone smart and someone cunning and I knew just the right guy to call, Hitler himself!.

His name is Frank, the UFC call him Frankenstein, I call him Stein or Hitler and the reason we call him all that comes from his unbelievable thrilling story. Three years ago, right before the pandemic started that was when Stein joined the UFC but before that he had gone through what none of us would ever dream of going through and surviving; the core of hell, the peak of vice and the zenith of terrorism!. Stein was born into a responsible home, his father worked as the town's head of Police Department, everyone knew him as Sheriff while his mother worked at the government secretariat right in the same city they had birthed Stein into. Stein grew up to be loved and cherished by everyone, his parents inclusive and even though they weren't so wealthy, they could afford a comfortable life for themselves and little Stein. Five years after Stein's birth, his parents decided to give him a younger sibling since they were still a young couple and so they tried but it was in vain, Strein lost his mother in the process and that's when things swung from bad to worst. His father, Sheriff seemed to have gone rogue, he always told Stein that his mother was the only thread keeping him from snapping and now that the thread was gone, he snapped!. Sheriff began to work for a notoriously dangerous criminal group called the City Mafia, supplying them with confidential secret information of the Police Force and the Government. At first, he was lucky and no information was traced back to him but when the demands of the City Mafia became so unbecoming, the government suspected a mole in the force and traced it to him, that's when the whole thing started!

"Pack up Frank, they would be here any moment!", Sheriff ordered scaredly.

"Why dad?, where are we going to?, this is our only home remember?", Stein retorted, cowering behind the three-seater sofa.

"Don't ask me questions and move out....", Sheriff, realising he had related harshly to his only son who had just suffered the same loss of someone endearing to him, spoke out to justify himself, he knelt beside Stein, placed his hands on his back and whispered, "it would be alright Frank, your mom....she would she proud of you if she sees you obeying me now so make her proud and let's get going before they come, trust me, you don't wanna meet them here, let's go attaboy!"

Stein reasoned with his anxious dad and joined in the packing. After a while, they were done with the packing.

"Alright son, get over here and load these into the....", a loud explosion interrupted Sheriff's speech and slammed them against the wall of the house, they had come. Rain of bullets also announced their presence and destroyed the entire interior of Sheriff's home. Luckily, he and his son were already in a safe position.

"Roll out Frank", Sheriff called out from where he hid behind the sofa, "load those bags into the trunk of the Jeep in the garage quick, move!, move!"

Stein rose to a crawling position, still shell-struck, bags in hand and dragged himself out of the battlefield, his dad tried defending his territory by firing few shots back at the raging gunmen and he was rewarded as one of his shots downed a gunman before he joined his scared son in the garage.

"Who are those dad?, why are they destroying the whole place?", Stein asked, his voice getting the better of him. All these intense actions were looking new to him.

"Those are...what can I call them?....they are your father's enemies, that's what you need to know about them. Get in the truck and let's move", Sheriff roared.

They blasted through the wooden door of the garage using the truck, luckily, the truck suffered minimal damage far lesser than the one suffered by the guys shooting at it when the door came down. Their truck was escorted into the highway by some few bullets shots that damaged the rear lights while the rest of them ricocheted off into the bush.

"Son, forget about those guys, we are going somewhere safer huh, we just need to get away from here for sometimes while everything cools down, you will definitely come back home", Sheriff assured.

Stein knew it wasn't a promise but right now, he would have to hang on to that word for a start. The day had been ruined for both of them by those merciless mercenaries, what could possibly go wrong?. As they sped across the highway, neglecting speed warnings, they didn't realise they were approaching a junction, as they reached the junction, a truck that had earlier been thought to be stationed there slammed right into them, taking Sheriff's truck on multiple somersaults. Luckily, the truck landed back on its tyres while the bullet-resistant glass windows proved worthy with the chassis compressed, the strong body work of the truck still withstood bullets that were fired on it by the unknown 'hit-and-shoot' guys that were sent to annihilate the Sheriff and his innocent son. After firing multiple shots against the truck and seeing it was of no use, their leader cried in an unknown language to his henchmen, in response, they all went into another car awaiting them and zoomed off in retreat. Meanwhile, Stein and his father sat glued to their seats, each still shocked about what they just witnessed. Stein was even more shocked 'cos he never knew a bullet-proof glass existed and even if it existed, I couldn't believe his dad owned one and it had just saved his life.

"Buckle up Frank, they are coming back!. Get me those files from the rear seat. Get me the briefcase first!"

Stein reached for the back, grabbed the briefcase and gave it to his dad who was suffering from a flesh wound as a result of the accident. Meanwhile, Stein was unhurt.

"Here", Stein took a handkerchief from the glove compartment of the truck, "you are hurt,there's blood trickling down your face"

"Forget about that. Now listen, as things stand now, we are the most wanted guys in the city but the worse fact is that I'm wanted by the people I once protected and defended. The City Mafia....", he tried starting the truck, it won't budge, he stopped trying and continued, "Those are the most dangerous guys after us. They want a piece of information and they would kill anyone whosoever including the whole police department or even the government officials that stands with us just because of the information. The information is about all the deals they've ever had with the government: every job, every killing, every mission they've ever run for the government even their invisible hideout coordinates are included in the information. Can you believe it?, the most notorious terrorist group in the city works for the government and in return, the government covers their tracks, supplies them with weapons the Police Force could only fantasise about and make them invisible. In my stupidity, I worked for the City Mafia not because I wanted to, I was coerced by the government to work with those bloody criminals. At first I declined the offer but they made me realise it wasn't even an offer, it was an order and failure to comply would not only mean losing my job, it would mean losing you first before they kill me because I've known all about the whole thing and to cover their tracks, it would be safer to eliminate me. Right here in this briefcase...", he inputted a combination lock password and opened it slowly to reveal a small hard drive lying in the center of the case, "contains the whole information I mange to gather from the whole lot: hidden locations, secret routes, voice messages, SMS, voice recordings, pictures, videos of some secret meetings, illegal money transfer records, strange bank accounts, encrypted phone numbers of everyone involved including the head of state and the City Mafia's leader, known as Big Chief. I want you to guard this drive with all your might. In the wrong hands, it would mean game over for us. Take it to my friend across town, Mr Sheun, once he sees you and the drive, he knows what to do."

Stein was still shocked as a result of the accident and now, it was like adding salt to injury. His father was involved in some kind of espionage stuff and now everyone was after his life. He wished both of them could make it alive but as things were looking, his father might not stand a chance against two strong forces that were after the both of them.

"Take this phone, it's encrypted meaning you can't be tracked and your conversations over call can't be recorded. Only two guys can track your location, that's myself and my friend, I trust him!", he handed a small portable mobile phone that looked so ancient to Stein.

"You would have to get to my friend's place before tomorrow morning. It's a long journey but I trust you have the ability to do it on your own. His house is at the remote end of town. Sadly, I won't be escorting you Frank, I would try and buy you some time, it would be long before they realise the drive is with you and by that time you should have gotten to a safe place. The rucksack contains food, water and supplies you would need, including cash. You will have to survive on them, they are more than enough for the journey ahead. Grab it from the trunk and take the bush path before you get to the major road. Avoid any car you see this as their plate number..", he showed Stein a logo, "or any car that has a siren. Stick to cabs only, no ubers!, you would know why I said so. That should be all the info you'll need for the trip. If fate persists, we would meet again but if we don't, I love you Frank."

Stein tried holding back his tears, he had just lost his mother and now he is on the brink of losing the last person that mattered to him, he made up his mind to follow his father's instructions to the latter, at least, if he gets to Mr Sheun's place early, he might have the chance of saving his father from those that wanted him dead!.

As they were still immersed in farewell emotions, a noise from the rear of the truck alerted them. A large military truck with an artillery gun on its roof sped towards them.

"Time to go Frank", he tried bringing the truck to life again but failed, "remember, guard the drive with your life, trust no one and stay safe. We will certainly meet ag...", bullets attacked the rear of the truck, weakening the bullet-resistant glass, it was about time it gave way and that would be the end. Stein reached for the drive, tucked it into his shirt pocket and used the briefcase as shield for the bullets that haven't even penetrated. His father brought out a rifle shotgun from under the back seat and loaded it up, Stein never knew any thing of sort resided there. Seeing the look on his face, Sheriff handed Stein a hand gun

"In time, you would know how to wield this for the right purpose only, remember our weekend huntings, those knowledge would prove useful son", he looked back and yelled, "incoming!". An RPG lifted the whole weight of the truck and slammed it on the swampy rice farm that flanked the highway. Immediately, no one told Stein what to do, he crawled out of the inverted truck, injured on his hand, grabbed the rucksack from the trunk and scampered away, taking short looks at his fighter dad as he delayed the men from reaching where the truck laid in ruins by firing heavy lead shots at them. The Sheriff took down some of the armed mercs but at the long run, they proved powerful for a solo army and in minutes, they were right besides him, having disarmed him of his shotgun and pointed their guns to his head before they asked.

"Where's the drive?", Sheriff behaved like he wasn't the one they were interrogating and he just looked on. This move only angered the restless assailants.

"Where is the effing drive?, tell me where it is now or I blow your head off!", one of them threatened. Time was running out for Sheriff and he couldn't stall them any longer, he knew they couldn't kill him if they haven't gotten what they needed from him but these guys were running on a lower temper. When he reasoned Stein might have reached considerable distance before he voiced out.

"Guys, relax?..", he further tried to stall them the more using a strategy he had learnt years ago, knowing fully well it wasn't going to work with them, "let's do this the men's way, no need for anyone to get hurt. How much is he paying you?, I can double it or better still I have useful connections everywhere and we can work out a better deal and you walk away from this like it never happened and tell them you lost me, you could relocate to Nevada or Australia or anywhere in the world, I could make it happen, a call is all I need, do any of you happen to use one?". They looked at him in anger, surely, they weren't here to play or talk about relocation plans with someone that might kill soon.

"Does it look we are here to play?, or do any of us look like peasant?, we are here on a mission and that's what we are going to execute", the leader roared.

"Boss, I could do with a retirement plan in the Netherlands, good weather and landscape they've got sounds like I need a change of...", one of the merc tried negotiating with Sheriff before the raging leader shot him down cold.

"Pesky greedy fool, thinks we are here for money", the leader spat out. It was then Sheriff knew he had to do something other than delaying the answers that they want so bad or his body was going to be the next thing thudding the moist rice swamp.

"Alright guys, I can see you mean business, clearly. So about the drive, I stashed it my home, the place where you guys just ransacked, shall we have a look then?", Sheriff offered boldly.

"Alright Sheriff, let's move, but if I find out you're messing with me, you will have to report to Big Chief himself and you know what it means. Guys, take him", he ordered.

"What about Pearce sir?, what should we do about him?", one of the other merc asked.

"Leave him there, he will make a good fertilizer for the growing rice. That's a lesson for you guys, this life is far more than riches and expensive vacations. Loyalty is all that matter in this life that we are. That's a lesson he learnt in a hard way!, now let's go and stop asking questions, we have work to do!". They dragged Sheriff into their Jeep and drove off.

Meanwhile, Stein dragged his injured self across the length of the rice swamp until he got to the highway his father told him about. He stood warily at the edge of the road, just in case he heard a siren or saw any of those cars with the logo he was shown earlier, he would scamper back into the swamp. No cars passed for sometimes, it was getting dark already, Stein reached for the drive in his pocket, looked at it carefully, no way such an incriminating information is in there, he thought before he tucked it back carefully into his pocket. He brought out the antic phone and took a long look at it, it was encrypted, he remembered, meaning two guys knows about his whereabouts, at least, that gave him a sense of protection, he wasn't alone afterall. It was getting late and no car passed until one cab drove past.

"Where to kiddo?, you look lost", the cab driver asked.

Stein told him the address of Mr Sheun's place and asked if he knew the place. He was replied in the positive and Stein boarded the cab wearily, the whole drama had exhausted him and he slept off on the seat.

"We're there already kiddo". The driver informed. It was dark already, only streetlights lit the area and Stein dragged himself out of the cab and paid the transport fare our of the bundle of mint notes he saw in the rucksack. The cab drove off and Stein reached for the doorbell. After a couple of minutes, a short man with a stout stature opened the door. He had the same height as fourteen year old Stein and this confused Stein, was he the person his father had trusted? Or was he just a guy the City Mafia had planted to await him and rob of the drive.

"Hey Frank, come in, you're looking so rough. How is Sheriff?", his speech broke the ice, he was my guy afterall.

"He had been caught, he gave me the location of your house and said I should make it here ASAP..."

"Oh!, poor Sheriff, did he by any chance give you a drive to deliver to me?, I need to begin work on it as soom as possible."

"Yeah, he gave me something like that, said I could trust you", Stein wasn't actually so sure he could trust this guy who reacted to the news of his father's capture by just saying 'poor Sheriff', something wasn't right but he was stuck with him for now and whether he trusted him or not, it didn't matter so much now.

"Alright, give it to me and take a nap inside, I made dinner, you can relax over a cup of coffee right?". Stein reasoned he could really use dinner so he reached into his pocket and handed the drive to him.

"Alright kid, room's on the left, dinner's served already, wondering how possible it is to have made all the preparations, let's just say I've been really expectant. Now go, take your bath and rest". To Stein, this guy was sounding like the villain himself.

Coming out of the bathroom, Stein strolled into the farily-dim bedroom and sat on the warm bed staring at dinner on the table which consisted of bread slices, fried eggs and steaming milked coffee all warm. He munched on all of it hungrily, spilling hot coffee on the reading table in the process. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned the coffee mess off the table before he dropped off on the bed, tired...but then he realised he had just come across something strange, something dangerous. He stood up to inspect the surroundings, nothing's strange, just keyboard clicking sounds from the sitting room where Mr Sheun worked on the drive. He made to sit back on the bed when he saw the most alarming sight of the evening; the City Mafia's hideous logo lying on the table where he just had dinner. Jeez!, no way Mr Sheun was working for those terrorists, he was in the enemy's camp and now he remembered his father's warning: trust no one, now he had to retrieve the drive from Mr Sheun and escape before word went out he was here, they would definitely send armed troops to get him and the drive He checked the whole table if he could see more proof this man couldn't be the man his father had trusted but the logo was the only evidence he had...well, that was enough evidence. He packed all his belongings and arranged it back into his rucksack carefully, making the littlest noise as he did so. When he was done, he dressed up, picked his rucksack and tiptoed into the living room where no one was, Mr Sheun had probably gone for his coffee break. He could hear sloshing sounds coming from behind the closed door adjacent to the living room, Mr Sheun had probably decided he could use a break himself. He searched around for the drive, Mr Sheun couldn't have taken it with him, it was left on the table connected via USB cord to a laptop. On the screen of the computer, the word 'input password' was displayed at the center, Mr Sheun couldn't access the drive, his father was smart enough to add a security measure to frustrate people like him. I disconnected the drive and made to put it into my pocket when I heard a serious voice from behind.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you kiddo!", it was Mr Sheun and he was in his bathroom robe, sipping hot coffee from a red mug, "you know, you and your dad have several things in common, your bravery, your resilience and your weakness to trust everyone that comes your way and I must say, I'm a huge fan of your dad and I'm proud of what he has impacted to you but enough talking now, drop the drive and then I would just have to figure out the access code or better still, you can get over there and help me crack the passcode, he must have told you about the drive huh?, I will need all the cooperation you can summon and in case this is too much for you to handle, let me break it down for you: yes, I work for the City Mafia!, long before I met your dad, do you think it was actually a coincidence I get to be the Sheriff's best friend?", that confirmed Stein's suspicions but he wasn't giving up now. He put the drive into his pocket and made fo outside swiftly, beating relaxed Mr Sheun to the door. He bust out of the house and collided into someone he didn't see coming, in fact, it looked like the person had been there since, listening to the conversation between himself and Mr Sheun and was waiting for Stein to make that move. He got back in his feet and made to escape further into the dark when the unknown person grabbed him roughly by the collar.

"Leaving the party so soon?...."