
"So, Kakashi failed you. I can't do anything about that. It's Jonin-sensei's personal choice."

"Hokage-sama, I am fine with repeating a year. I just wanted to ask for your permission to get access to fuinjutsu. I can focus on it for a year without any disturbance because of it."

"Hmm, why not just join Genin reserves? Since your sensei said that you are talented, you would be able to join a genin team if they are short on a teammate due to unfortunate reasons. Plus you will get access to all of the Genin level library. And if you are in the Genin reserves, you can just take the missions at your pace."

"Well, I have heard about Neji who is just one year younger than me. He will be most likely be the Rookie of The Year. I just have to be the Kunoichi of the year and I will get the best Jonin Sensei because he is the nephew of the Hyuga Clan Head. But for a year, I need to do something. And that's why I am asking for fuinjutsu."

"Well Ichika-chan, you can repeat the Academy year, but I can't give you special concessions just because you are Rookie of The Year. Plus repeating a year may lead to a bad mark on your shinobi record."

"But I won't get a good teacher if I join the Genin reserve, and will just waste a year in the academy if I don't get something like fuinjutsu to study in the meantime. Isn't it your fault that you gave me the worst teammates? Shouldn't you give me something because you feel bad?"

"It's no use in trying to guilt-trip me. Rules are rules Ichika-chan. I would suggest you to not repeat a year if you feel that it will be a waste. You can always ask fellow ninjas for help even as a reserve genin. And after a certain number of missions, I can put you into a genin team if they have a place. The choice is yours."

"So I can bother Kakashi too?"

"If he allows, you can."

"...Can I bother you too?"

"For small things, you can bother you academy sensei. If it is a very big thing, you can take an appointment."

"Fine. But only if you help me with something."

"And what can I do for you, Ichika-chan?"

"I want a cool and strong summon of the Sanin when I become a Chunin! Or something even better like a dragon!"

"There are no records of a dragon summon. Snakes are the closest thing."

"Then snakes-"

"But snakes are the summons of Orochimaru."


"Ichika-chan, how about this? I heard that you have great chakra control. How about becoming a medic? If you perform well, I will give you slugs that are the summons of Tsunade. You just have to perform well in the Chunin Exam to make me impressed."


"If you want, I can recommend you to the hospital for some training."

"But I don't want to be a full time medic."

"No one is forcing you."

"...I will just repeat a year. I will find something to do in the meantime, and even try to take down the Hyuga genius."

"Fine. I wish you luck."

"Thank you Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen sighed as he looked at the retreating back of the Rookie of the Year of this year. He was sure that the team he prepared will pass Kakashi's test this year. Both of the boys have crush on Ichika, and Ichika may be smart enough to get the motive of the exam, which she was.

What he didn't expect was that the boys would attack each other to get alone on the team with their crush.

He was hoping that he could then steer her towards the medical field given her great chakra control which is on par with Tsunade, but she ultimately chose to repeat a year. By this choice, she will most likely get into a team with Neji Hyuga and someone under Might Guy.

Well, it's not a bad choice as well.

Now that Hiruzen remembered, some fuinjutsu scrolls were 'misplaced' in the genin section. He would have them moved 'back' to the academy section during 4 to 6 pm, when 'coincidently', Ichika comes once a week to look at the basics of chakra natures to think of ideas to improve her Lightning and Water chakra natures.

And while he is at it, he will just 'return' the Chakra paper that should have been with the scrolls for free use.

Hiruzen has been becoming older that he 'misplaced' so many things. He will just write a message to Jiraya to come and take the hat because he is becoming too old to 'remember things.'

Maybe he will come back this time and help his poor old sensei retire?

Who knows?