135, The ugly daughter-in-law has to meet the in-laws_1

What a good-for-nothing son. He's grown so big, yet she had never seen him take the initiative to visit her in France. He really broke her heart.

She's back in Beijing after so long, and that rotten kid doesn't even come to see her.

She's pissed off.

"Auntie, getting angry will give you wrinkles. Hold your breath, ha." Quan Yifei tried to calm her down, speaking with a broad smile on her face.

Quan Hao glanced at his wife. He was hiding a smile behind his hand.

"Feifei, is the girl named Jian Qing?" Rhee asked. It seems that her son, Jingwu, has really fallen for her. She is increasingly curious about this girl she has not yet met.


"What's she like? Is she pretty?"

"Jian Qing is a nice person with perfect looks."

"What are you guys talking about so seriously?" the old Quan master asked as he came out of the study. His robust voice echoed in the living room.

"Dad!" Quan Hao and Rhee called out in unison.