140, Cold Face Warm Heart (3)_1

Jian Qing held back a smile, her eyes trailing up to the man who had just walked in. He was dressed in laid-back gray attire, and his bronze skin added a certain allure to him. An undeniable military aura poured out of him, quite naturally, through his every move.

Her gaze moved upwards to his handsome face. There was an uncanny resemblance to Xiaojing in his features, which made her think XiaoJing looked more like his mother.

Quan Hao watched his wife hop on one foot towards him, a worried frown creased his eyebrows, and he instinctively quickened his pace, reaching her in a few strides.

"How did you get hurt?" His large hand stabilised his wife. He looked her over anxiously, "Where does it hurt? Is it serious?"

"Nevermind, let's go to the hospital for a thorough check-up."

Without giving her a chance to respond, Quan Hao started to lead her towards the hospital.