744, Laughter Induced Fetal Movement (3)_1

He released his grip, his eyes flashing a mocking glimpse at him, "Shen Yan, after all I've done for you, you dare to say you don't care about our fraternal bond. You truly are my good little brother."

Shen Yan, turning to look at the small garden not far away. Roses were thriving everywhere, some having already climbed up the terrace from being there for so long.

"Brother, don't you feel even a slight bit of remorse when you look at this yard? She once loved and protected you so much. Is this how you repay her?"

Year after year, has he truly not felt an ounce of regret for the mistakes he made?

Shen Hua, with his grim, icy gaze, warned Shen Yan, "Go back to your room and rest, Shen Yan. Don't come over here again. You should know better. If you anger me, I can bring past events into play once more."