773, Does what I say count? (1) _1

She took a seat next to Song Yi, and the meeting officially began.

"Chairman, I wonder what your plan is to handle the crisis facing the company?" asked a middle-aged man seated to the right of Song Yi, taking the initiative.

As the first director spoke up, the others quickly followed suit.

"If we do not come up with a strategy to handle this crisis soon, given the continuous drop in the group's stock, the group's only end result could be bankruptcy."

"Isn't that just throwing away the money we directors invested?"

"Chairman, we urge you to make a decision soon."

The directors each gave their two cents, driving home their point with increasing force.

Song Yi placed his hands on the table, his fingers tightly interlocked, and his tense face was a sight of embarrassment.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please hear me out."