Shanshan Side Story (18)

She waved her hand nonchalantly, "It's okay, you guys hurry back."

The two teenagers nodded and then supported each other as they left.

Shanshan took out her phone and checked the time.

Darn it, she was going to be late for the gathering.

She turned and ran out of the Basketball Court, her long hair cascading over her shoulders and lifted by the wind.

The last traces of twilight were fading, and a bright moon was faintly visible.

As the streetlights came on, a petite figure weaved through the bustling streets, with the breeze lifting her ink-black hair and revealing her delicate profile.

In these crowded streets, running was faster than driving.

Shanshan dashed through the alleyways, turning corners in a frantic rush.

Suddenly, flashlight beams came on.

Reflexively, she raised her hand to shield her eyes, followed by the jarring sound of screeching brakes.


Shanshan lowered her hand and looked up.