1098, Shanshan Side Story (40)

His large hand firmly grasped her wrist, pulling her back into his arms, as Shanshan stumbled into his embrace, her forehead bumping into his solid chest.

Shanshan lifted her head from his chest, lacking confidence yet her face bore a cutely fierce expression, "What are you doing, it hurts."

Mu Chen was amused by her accusing look, extended his hand to pinch her chin, "Then how about the scratches you left on my body, hmm?"

"What do you mean how about it, it must have been the mosquitoes last night, I was just kindly scratching them for you, don't talk nonsense." Shanshan retorted with determination.

"Is that so?" Mu Chen caught her hand, flipped over her body, and Shanshan suddenly felt darkness before her eyes, and when she looked up, the man was already pressing down on her.

"So heavy, get off me." The gapless proximity disrupted Shanshan's breathing, her cheeks flushing with an enticing rosy color.