It started on a cold wet winter day, when the heavens was filled with tears and there was no sunlight in sight.

It was supposed to be a scientific breakthrough for military enhancement in order to win a war. Everything was going according to plan and victory was inevitable BUT ( yes I said "But") in an unexpected turn of events caused three of the soldiers to experience side effects and suspicion rose.

These three soldiers were exposed to different experiments to determine the cause of their side effects which in the end caused an outbreak of a virus. The virus turned people into savages.

They killed the infected soldiers and this resulted that the virus to be released into the air and it become airborne. The virus escaped the facility with the help of the air vents.

People started getting sick without knowing that an unstoppable virus has been released upon them by accident.

People panicked and this cause unrest in the government system. The government panicked with limited resources to find a cure but with little luck.

Meanwhile in the city a small group of friends consisting of three boys and two girls roamed the street of a barren town. Michael was in love with Caroline but she was dating Jack at the time. Bill and Monica had a little fling going on in all the chaos around them. Days went by and yet no cure was found as a result the zombies terrorised the city. These friends and a few survivers were trapped inside a building surrounded by the undead.

Things did not seem blunt at the time so Caroline and Jack were busy cuddling when out of nowhere a zombie attacked them and bites Caroline. They couldn't kill her and she lost a lot of blood that night so Michael volunteered to save her life a little longer by giving her his blood. Without knowing that his blood will save her life and produced a cure at the same time was a miracle that no-one was expecting.

The uprising of the cure brought disrest upon the group of survivers. They wanted Michael's blood for themselves in order to sell it for money but the friends wouldn't allow it.

What the survivors and the group did not know was when Michael's blood mixed with Caroline's blood it produced the cure. They just thought ok he gave her his blood and by doing so caused the virus to become neutralised and Caroline did not change, so he must be the cure.

They escaped from the survivors until the third day when they were cornered by a horde of zombie just waiting for their queen to give the order. As they were yet again trapped in an abundent building Michael figured out how the cure was concocted so that Caroline may live but said nothing. Bill, Monica and Jack tried to hold the horde at bay but failed and Michael saw this and decided to drain his blood into a container that was lying besides him. While no-one was paying attention to Michael he gives the container to Caroline without knowing what she's taking.

As things seemed to be getting more and more blunt for the group of friends , Michael kissed Caroline and said goodbye to her with a tear in his eye then he took a flame thrower and run into the hordes direction. As he was running he thought back to his time spend with Caroline and the sacrifice his about to make so did Caroline. Bill, Monica and Jack tried their best to stop Micheal but faced the raging fire from the flame thrower in his hands.

Michael redirected the zombies towards him leading them away from his friends and the girl he loves. As his weapon ran out of juice Caroline started reading the letter that she found underneath the container of blood. This letter stated that Michael found out about the cure and why he gave it to Caroline - their blood was a perfect match. He also declared his love for her and how he felt about his friends and how he would miss them after he sacrifices himself . Caroline fall down to the ground and cleared the hall filled with blood with her tears while she cried for him

As his final moment approached him surrounded by all the zombies in the area he released the pins of the grenades on his back. Suddenly the zombies fell to the ground and died after their queen was destroyed by the explosion and this created a chance for his friends to live another day.

They were broken and lost with the death of their beloved friend. They made it out of the town now heading to the people who can help with processing the cure for wider range of supplies
