"….My dad's love for politics is really annoying, am sure he will kill anybody just to fulfil his political ambition" said one of the student during their leisure games, the name of the game is called 'A PIECE OF MY HEART, every student in the school of Cold mine Academy of Los Angelas loved this game cause it was a quite time when everyone come around and say the sad part of their life. Way it must not really be a sad fairy tale but just a little something about yourself, " please pass me my pen its over there close to your bed" requested one of the junior girl to the senior ,the senior looking at the girl with a funny face " who are you referring to, I hope am not the one cause your mate is not in these hostel " replied one of the senior student to the little girl, " am sorry I asked " the little girl apologises , " you better be, not because your father bought your way into the senior ladies room doesn't give you the right to request anything for us" commented another lady.

These little girl is the daughter of the governor, her mother died after giving birth to her, and her dad name her after her mother Rose, it was as if she was the reincarnation of her mother , she inherited everything her mother has from the facial look, to how she walk, talk and even the same dress code , she was also attracted to the rivers just like her mother. The governor married another woman two days after Rose 5th birthday, Ms Tara wasn't good with kid so she struggled getting along with Rose, the governor tried his best to make sure both sides make up but to no avail. So he was left with no other option then to put his daughter in a boarding school before his family spoils his reputation in the country, Rose was really disappointed at her dad's decision because she felt her dad choose Ms Tara over her. " dad, you are so unbelievable how could you choose a random lady over your own daughter" cried Rose just as she was dropped at the gate of the school , "take care baby, have a nice time in your new school and also try to make friends" replied her father in soft tone, Rose tried to cry out to her father but he rode off.

Rose wasn't treated as a governor daughter that she, she was treated as a random kid from the block, the school doesn't care if you father is the president of the world, their moral objective is to build up assets for the country and not liabilities. Rose was only fortunate to stay in the senior girls room because her dad paid a huge amount of money, so his daughter doesn't have to feel underrated amongst her mate, not knowing he paid his daughter way into hell, whenever Rose is upset she would just go to the school river bank and sing for the birds. One of Rose's mother teacher MsTia saw these one day, she commented that Rose was truly a re-birth of her mother, and her face causes a flashback on how brilliant Rsose's mother wa when she was in the school, Rose was surprise to discover that her she was attending the same school her mother attended, she asked Ms Tia if she had any photo of her mother because her father has refused to show her any for the past years. Well she was fortunate enough that Ms Tia had one that they took together ," I was your mother godmother in this school, I can remember those times that if she needed anything she would sing beautiful songs for that I will not even know when I have given everything to her" Ms Tia showed Rose the picture of her mother and immediately Rose passed out.

The governor's attention was called to this and Rose was taken home for treatment , she spent four weeks on coma her dad made sure she was given the best treatment and he was ready to spend more, after four weeks of been in coma Rose finally wakes up but her recovery wasn't something to be joyful about. Rose claimed she was seeing a woman that looks like her and the woman is always requesting for her to join her, Rose was shut off from the world and was kept in door where she was given the attention necessary.