A year has passed-by and the loving couple were living their best luxurious life, the governor was set to retire a months later and Stone was to be the next in command. Everyone in the country had the best of time, Diamond body was buried and her father Mr Jude was released and set free, he was given everything he could ever have ask for house, cars , servants and a business of his own. The old man life was really perfect, but that what an outsider would say, no one knows where the pin pitches the owner, despite everything the old man had all he needed was his daughter, which was his number one wish he was ready to give-up everything he had just to get his daughter back, he even named everything given to him on his daughter name, like the business establish for him.

Stone was secretly investigating the murder case of Diamond with the help of Mr Jude, the two really got along and Stone made sure the man doesn't lack anything in life, he was there for him both in times of need, love and attention. Rose was a free lady, she wasn't under the control of her father anymore since she was married, her new life was quit the perfect one any lady in her shoes would want to ask for.

Everything operating cool and smooth, the whole system running well, the society was peaceful and the country was making much progress , until the tragic event happened, lets call it the joy killer, the head of Diamond was found close to the site where the stature of the governor should have been placed, Stone attention was called to this immediate, everyone gather at the location where the head was found and its was already decayed, it was even difficult to see the beautiful face of the young lady, this incident caused a flashback for everyone who were present the day the body of the young lady was found, Stone couldn't stand for too long he just grab Diamond father and they both entered the car and left. That same evening Stone was called by the press to ask for his comments or what does he have to say about the head that was just found, "Mr commander, what do you have to say about the head of your assistant that was found earlier today" asked one of the press,

" Well it's what you guys wanted the complete body of the so called ex convict, my assistant, you all can do whatever you want with it, it's the trophy you guys have always wanted. But don't be surprise if I come for my trophy " the shocking words of Stone tensed everyone present and even the viewers watching at home, the governor asked for an immediate meeting with the chiefs of security and human affairs, he wanted to be prepared for whatever Stone was planning, he knew the words of Stone were no just mere words but indirectly threats.

" Mr governor, your son in law has gone insane, how could he be threaten the city that gave him a place to call home" chief Akheem said, " that why I called you all here, I want us to be prepared for whatever that's coming" the governor said with so much fear in his tone. " but he can't take the whole city down" commented one of the chief , " that is coming from you because you were not the one that witness a little boy take down a whole army nine years ago " the governor answered. the plan was to get the governor daughter to safety and the rest would be a thing of later, and the only way to do that is to get her out of Stone's apartment. But the wise dog (Stone) dropped a voice recording chip at the governor's apartment the very day he came to ask Rose hands in marriage, it was as if the war had already begin for Stone even before the press speech, hearing these arrangement from the governor and his men, he asked Rose to get dressed that they were going on a long trip, Rose tried to ask for the location but Stone refused to answer her.

When they got to their destination, Mr Jude was already waiting for them, Rose was surprise to see the old man alone in such a abandoned facility at night, they all entered the place and still Rose got this question on her head 'what were they doing in such a place' " enough , I need to know what we are doing here, can't you see this place is out of bound " Rose asked as she insist for an answer , " well it not out of reach for a commander like me and for her excellency the governor daughter like you" ,Stone answered with so much hate in his voice. Rose couldn't ask any other question, not after the way Stone sounded in answering her first question, Stone voice sounded like he was the devil himself , when they got inside the old man asked Rose to take off her shirt, but she refused to, calling out to her husband thinking he would stop the old man from doing such or he could be of help;"you better do just as he said " Stone answered her in a very aggressive tone, this caused a very great shock to Rose , she wasn't expecting such a reply from her husband, " what, so you know about these, you both planned it right " she said sounding disappointed and scared . It's was only her against two men so it wasn't a fair fight and she had no other option than to comply with them, the old man brought out some hospital equipment he asked Rose to lay on the bed, he injected her and these made Rose fell. The following day the governor came to Stone apartment asking for Rose, he claimed he wanted to take her on a lunch just father and daughter stuff, Stone released her to them but immediately the governor noticed the huge cut on her left arm. " what happened to your arm " asked the governor, she remembered the condition that Stone gave her if she wanted to stay alive, " its nothing, it is a cut I got from yesterday at the kitchen " she lied trying to cover her husband deeds, Rose followed her father out of Stone place, she felt in safe hands the time they left Stone apartment not knowing it was just the beginning of her predicaments.

Hours past and the governor gave the order for the troops to ambush Stone's apartment, Stone wasn't aware of these because the chip he dropped was on a vase at the governor house, and the vase couldn't have been following them wherever they goes. The troops were led by general Yash, they broke into Stone apartment surrounding everywhere, the gentleman was in his room having a nice nap before he was disturbed by the noise of the troops ; " you're under arrest come outside with your hands in the air" general Yash said as they wait for Stone to step outside, " is this not too early, I was expecting you guys later, probably weeks after the planning, well no problem just give me two minute I want to talk to the governor" Stone said with so much confidence and courage in his words. " Mr governor, please ask your people to leave my apartment before I do something crazy to your daughter" Stone threatens the governor; the governor could not wrap up his head on the statement because he knew there was no way Stone could hurt his daughter that was with him;" I will advice you to do whatever they want, follow them quite and easy, and do not do anything funny, I we meet you at the station" the governor said, Stone wasn't ready to follow them still; " why don't you ask your daughter again where she got the mark on her arm, maybe it would make you change your mind, and please return my wife back to me" Stone said and he hang up the call. " hey, general Yash you came here to arrest me today, but tomorrow I will be the one after your head" Sone threatens the general that led the troops; immediately general Yash received a call from the governor asking them to leave the place that Stone planted a remoted bomb in the skin of his daughter. The governor knew Stone has held his daughter hostage even though she was with him, he had no other choice than to obey him by returning Rose back to her husbands house, the whole country knew the war coming was not gonna be between the governor and Stone alone but everyone in the system were involve and if Stone goes to other countries for help than its a battle between their country and the other.

The governor was confused, why have Stone decided to create a war between himself and the whole system, does he know about the incidence that happened a year ago, everyone in the system were scared for their lives that even some started dropping their retirement notes. The governor started losing men, each day at least ten men would come to drop their retirement note, the big question on everyone mind was what does the governor daughter has to do with the whole events?, if he doesn't love her why did he marry her than, or was it part of the whole plan?.