The shrill sound of the alarm clock pierced like a knife into my sleep jerking me awake. I had set the clock yesterday with the intentions of going to school very early but I was starting to regret it now because I had little to no sleep last night. I groggily got up and a mild pain shot through my knee. I remembered taking some pain relievers yesterday before going to bed or else the pain might have been worse.

I limped my way to and fro around my room getting myself ready and shortly, I was on my way to school. I was determined not to add to my existing punishment and hopefully go through the remaining weeks doing what Mr rude asks of me without aggravating him. If fortunate enough, breeze my way through the remaining weeks. Aside from that, I came with the intention of being a snoopy detective in Mr rude's and Courtney's secret relationship. Muahahaha! Today is sure going to be interesting.