Courtney and I continued cleaning out the leaves under the continuous taunts of the students. We became a form of entertainment for them throughout the whole lunching hour. Soon, the whether grew visibly dark and we hurriedly got through our work, gathered and bagged the dried leaves. Courtney took the cleaning tools inside and I disposed of the rubbish bag in the trash cans located at the back of the building.

On my way back, the rain started pouring down. I broke into a run but it was practically not at my full speed due to the mild pain on my knee. To be honest, it was more like a hop. In that instant, I saw Mr rude running towards me. Where the hell is he going to under the rain?

Before I knew what was happening, he stopped right in front of me and scooped me up into his arms before running back towards the building. Wild screams erupted from the cafeteria once again and I felt myself melting into a puddle right there and then. What is happening?