I found myself in the library immediately classes ended, working my butt off. Mr rude sat on a seat opposite mine staring at his screen with his headphones on, chuckling from time to time. I would glare and mumble curses at him occasionally. His lousy attitude was getting on my nerves but what can I do? He is the master and I am the freaking slave.

"I suggest you fix that glare on your face," he suddenly said.

I immediately stopped glaring and spoke up with a fake smile plastered on my face. "How about you help out?"

"And how about you don't tell me what to do and concentrate on writing, slave." He rebuffed with a glare.

I swallowed my further complaints and concentrated back on my work. Mr rude changed his position after awhile, now resting his head on the desk. My hands itched to poke that knucklehead of his with my pen but on the other hand, I decided against it. Wouldn't want to leave the school now, alright.