Thanks to Courtney, cleaning out Mr rude's locker went exceptionally fast. After returning the cleaning equipments, we went to the cafeteria together. Courtney and I grabbed our lunch and proceeded to our separate seats. Getting to my usual seat, I dropped my lunch tray on the table and slipped to seat beside Lily who I had earlier notice was sitting like a fish out of water in the midst of the three friends. The instant she noticed my presence, she smiled broadly at me and the three knuckleheads stopped their conversation as they turned to look at me.

"Done with the cleaning already?" Mr rude asked in surprise.

"Yes, your locker is now spotless," I said with an edginess in my voice.

He scanned me for a while and said, "I see. You and Courtney came in together, smiling and chatting happily. So what are you two now, buddies?"