Scavenging Operation Begins

The scavenging operation's Phase One followed a clear plan. The Pave Hawk helicopter, designated as Jolly 1, would hover above the shopping malls, using the noise of its rotors to draw the attention of the zombies. The goal was to gather these zombies into a centralized area and keep them there.

With the zombies clustered, the Bell AH-1Z Viper, codenamed Viper 1, would step in. Armed with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and Hydra 70 unguided missiles, Viper 1 would unleash its firepower upon the amassed undead. The resulting explosions would further attract additional zombies to the site, enabling Viper 1 to repeat the process over and over until a significant number of zombies had been neutralized.


"Blackwatch, this is Jolly 1. Approaching the AO, over," the pilot of Jolly 1 reported as he communicated over the radio.

"Roger that, Jolly 1. Maintain your course and initiate Phase One as planned," came the response from the operations center.

Inside the Pave Hawk helicopter, the crew worked with precision. The rotor noise created a clamor that reverberated through the air, catching the attention of the zombies below. Groaning and stumbling, they began to shuffle toward the source of the sound, forming a growing congregation.

"That's a lot of them," the Jolly 1 pilot remarked as he peered down from the helicopter's windows.

"Let us stay here for five minutes and see how many of them we can draw in," the co-pilot suggested, his eyes fixed on the growing mass of zombies converging below.

As the minutes ticked by, the noise of the rotors continued to work its magic. The zombies, drawn to the sound like moths to a flame, moved relentlessly toward the source.

"Alright, time's up. Let's get ready for the fireworks," the pilot declared.

Back in the operations center, the operators monitored the situation closely using MQ-8B Fire Scout. The red blips on the screen representing the zombies formed a dense cluster, indicating that Phase One had achieved its desired effect.

"Viper 1, this is Blackwatch. The congregation is substantial, you are cleared hot for launch, over," the voice over the radio instructed.

"Roger that, Blackwatch, moving in now," Viper 1's pilot responded as they lowered their altitude.

They were 1 kilometer away from the target and high enough that the zombies wouldn't be attracted by the noise of their rotors.

"Jolly 1 you are danger close to the zone. You might want to ascend a little bit as these arrows are going to pack a punch," Viper 1 pilot advised.

"Copy that Viper 1, ascending now," the Jolly 1 pilot acknowledged, adjusting their altitude to maintain a safer distance from the impending explosion zone.

Down on the ground, the undead congregation had swelled in response to the helicopter's persistent noise. Groans and moans echoed as the zombies moved in a disorganized yet eerie harmony, drawn together by the relentless clamor of the rotors.

In the cockpit of Viper 1, the pilot and the gunner focused intently on their instruments. The HUD displayed vital information, while the targeting systems locked onto clusters of zombies below.

"All units, this is Viper-1, missile is ready for immediate delivery, standby for launch…Target designated. Firing in three..two…one."

The gunner of the Viper pressed the button, and the missile was away, streaking toward its designated target on the ground.

The impact was explosive, obliterating a significant portion of the zombie congregation. Smoke billowed, debris scattered, and the shockwave radiated outward, knocking down the closest undead and creating chaos within their ranks.

"Switching to Hydra," the gunner announced, his voice focused and determined.

From the helicopter's wings, the Hydra 70 unguided missiles were unleashed. They streaked toward the ground, finding their marks amidst the sea of undead. Explosions erupted in rapid succession, further disrupting the congregation and sending shockwaves through the remaining zombies.

"Good hits," the pilot of Viper 1 praised.

The explosion attracted a horde of zombies from all around the area, causing them to mass at the epicenter.

"Blackwatch, we've got even more incoming," Jolly 1's co-pilot reported, watching as the undead surged toward the scene of the blasts.

"Copy that Jolly 1, don't worry Viper 1 is going to mow them down later."

The process was repeated, again and again, taking thirty minutes. During that time, almost 1,256 zombies were killed. How did they know? Richard could count it thanks to his system.

"All units, this is Viper 1, we are low on missiles. Switching to secondaries," the pilot of Viper 1 announced over the radio.

The secondary the pilot was referring to was the 20 mm M197 three-barreled rotary cannon. The gunner of Viper 1, pulled the trigger, causing the canopy of the helicopter to shake as the cannon's rounds were unleashed.

The cannon's bullets tore through the remaining zombies, cutting them down in swathes as they attempted to converge on the impact zones.

Phase One took thirty minutes, with the Bell AH-1Z Viper exhausting all of its weapon systems. But thanks to their efforts, they killed 1,453 zombies.

"Blackwatch, we have now exhausted all of our weapons, returning back to base to rearm and refuel, over," Viper 1 announced.

"Roger that, Viper 1. Well done," Blackwatch responded.

Viper 1 returned to its helipad to Building C of the Oriental Condominium. The Jolly 1 would continue to hold its position to prevent zombies from going after the ground forces.

Meanwhile, footage of the operation was being fed to Richard's tablet who watched in glee.

"Oh I am loving this," Richard said.

"But still, there are still a lot of zombies sir," Graves said, pointing at the screen.

Richard gazes at the display of the tablet. Graves was right, although the Viper attack helicopter did an amazing job, there are still a lot of zombies coming to the site of the explosion. Hundred or even thousands of them.

He hummed aloud. "Well, Graves, the plan would remain the same. We are heading to the shopping mall and getting as many supplies as we can get."

Richard pressed his earpiece, connecting him to his team.

"All units, this is Eagle Actual. Phase One is complete, we are now moving to Phase 2."

Following those words, Richard slid the key into the ignition slot, giving it a firm turn. The engine of the JLTV Oshkosh roared to life

Like a series of well-timed switches, the rest of the vehicles followed suit. The two M117 Guardians rumbled awake, joined by the LAV-25s, revving up for action. The Cougar 6x6s rolled into gear, their powerful frames ready to go. The JLTV Oshkosh machines, five in a row, kicked into action, and the lineup of twenty M939 Trucks joined the convoy.

With a collective growl, the motorcade came to life, and the Buffalo Clearance Vehicle began moving towards the gate.

The soldier stationed at the gate pressed a switch, causing the roll-up of the metal gate to slowly ascend.

The Buffalo Clearance Vehicle led the way, its massive V-shaped dozer, pushed aside debris and obstacles with ease. The path ahead, once obstructed by abandoned vehicles and wreckage, was now being cleared, creating a navigable route for the convoy.

The rest of the convoy followed closely behind.

Phase 2 of the operation is when the ground forces of the Blackwatch head towards the three shopping malls. The shopping malls are Super9 and Makati Central Square are designated as Alpha while the Wilson Mart is Bravo.

The ground forces consisted of one Buffalo Clearance Vehicle, two M117 Guardian 2 LAV-25 Bradley, 6 Cougar 6x6, 6 JLTV Oshkosh, and 20 M939 trucks, and were complemented by 200 soldiers.

Each vehicle has its own role: the Buffalo Clearance Vehicle clears the way, the M117 Guardian and LAV-25 Bradley serve as protectors of the convoy, the Cougar 6x6 and JLTV Oshkosh Heavy Guns Carrier variant function as transports while also offering defense with their Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station, equipped with the M2 Browning. Additionally, the 20 M939 trucks serve as troop transports and cargo carriers for the supplies and food they'll scavenge from the shopping malls.

Richard, who was driving the JLTV Oshkosh, looked around the surroundings while trailing behind the convoy. There, he noticed a herd of zombies running towards the convoy.

"This is Eagle Actual to all units. Engage the incoming zombies. Transition to suppressed rifles hold off on main weapons. We don't want to draw more of them in."

Soldiers in the convoy swiftly responded to Richard's command. From the safety of their vehicles, they leaned out windows, firing their suppressed M4 Carbines at the approaching horde of zombies. Controlled bursts of gunfire rang out as accurate shots found their marks. The crack of gunfire was muffled by the suppressors, reducing the risk of attracting more undead.

Zombies in the lead stumbled and fell, torn apart by the well-aimed shots. Others in the back tripped over the fallen ones, creating a momentary disruption in their advance.

The suppressed rifles efficiently took down the initial wave of zombies, thinning their numbers before they could reach the convoy. However, the commotion attracted even more undead from the vicinity, drawn by the sudden noise.

"This is Buffalo, there is a horde of zombies heading towards our position."

"Buffalo, you are cleared hot to run them over," Richard ordered.

The engine of the Buffalo Clearance Vehicle roared to life as the driver pressed down on the gas pedal, its 25-ton weight propelling it with surprising agility. The zombies, driven by their insatiable hunger, continued their mindless charge, unaware of the impending danger.

As the Buffalo Clearance Vehicle closed in on the horde, soldiers stationed inside its armored cabin held onto their seats.

With a sickening thud, the Buffalo plowed into the leading edge of the zombie horde. Bodies were knocked aside like ragdolls, crushed under the vehicle's massive weight. Bones snapped, and the air was filled with grotesque squelches as the undead were crushed and mangled.

The Buffalo's momentum didn't waver. It pushed forward, its dozer blade acting as a shovel, scooping up bodies and hurling them aside. The ground became a chaotic mess of torn limbs, shattered skulls, and torn-apart torsos. The vehicle's treads rolled over the remains, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT BUFFALO!" Richard joyously shouted through his radio while still controlling his vehicle as they ran over the debris left by the Buffalo.

"Fortunately, this vehicle's got a solid suspension," Richard winked at Graves, and Graves laughed in return

"All units, we're just one minute away from shopping mall Alpha, maintain speed and keep your head in a swivel."