A Troubling Prospect

Mark left Richard's office, leaving him alone. He used this opportunity to check his system and see what changed.

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 21

Experience points: 1,073,272/1,235,094

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 2, Driving Proficiency Level 2.

New Skills Available:

Available Skill Points: 11

Summoned Troops: 215/800

Current gold balance: 22,270,000 gold coins

New skills available:

Tactics Mastery (Level 1): This skill enhances your ability to plan and execute military strategies effectively. It improves your understanding of troop formations, battlefield positioning, and resource management, making you a more formidable commander.]

"That's the only skill I got after jumping ten levels?" Richard said, a bit disappointed about the new skill that he received. He wanted a combat-oriented skill—wait Tactics Mastery?