Tactical Action and Hypothesis

To cripple the vital North-South Metro Manila bridges, Richard moved swiftly into action. He got down on the ground, and with a swift hand gesture, he summoned the M142 HIMARS he'd acquired through the system.

The M142 HIMARS materialized from the magic circle, its crew already in position and ready for duty. They snapped to attention, saluting Richard as he approached.

Satisfied with the readiness of his team, Richard keyed his earpiece and initiated communication.

"Eagle Actual to Blackwatch," Richard's voice crackled over the radio.

"This is Blackwatch, send traffic," came the swift response.

"Additional units for Excalibur have been deployed, provide them with the coordinates, over," Richard relayed efficiently.

"Copy that, Eagle Actual. Stand by for coordinates."

While awaiting the critical coordinates, Richard's sharp eyes surveyed his crew.