A New Monster

Angela reacted sharply. "Lisa, back up, now!" she shouted.

Lisa wasted no time. She slammed the gear into reverse and the JLTV Oshkosh lurched backward. The creature charged, its heavy footsteps cracking the asphalt like eggshells. It plowed through abandoned cars as if they were made of paper, sending them flying aside in its rage.

"Harder, Lisa! It's right on us!" Denise yelled from the back as she looked in front of the windshield.

Denise's warning came just as the creature swung a massive arm towards them. Lisa pressed the accelerator to the floor, the JLTV's engine screaming as they shot backward. The creature's blow narrowly missed, sending a shockwave that rattled their teeth.

"Left! Go left!" Ella instructed sharply, as a massive fissure opened up in the road directly in their path.

Lisa yanked the steering wheel to the side, the vehicle skidding on the uneven road. They missed the crack by inches.