Grinding Exp and Gold

September 19th, 2023.

With the anticipated wave just a day away, Blackwatch Oriental Military Camp was a hive of intense activity. Soldiers hustled around, fine-tuning their final preparations. The layout of the camp reflected a meticulous strategy: Tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers were dispersed with precision, ensuring comprehensive coverage with no weak points. Each gate was fortified robustly, a formidable blend of sentries, tanks, and vigilant soldiers standing guard.

Inside the command center, Richard's eyes scanned over the digital maps and troop placements. His mind racing as he strategizes, analyzing every possible scenario. Beside him, Sara pointed at a section on the map, suggesting a minor adjustment to the placement of a surveillance drone.

"Sir, if we move this drone slightly to the east, we'll have a better field of view over the northeastern approach," she explained.