The Planning Part 1

"W-sixty?" Graves repeated the word that had just escaped Richard's lips. "Sir, that's a low-yield tactical nuke. Are we considering the use of nuclear ordnance?"

Richard met Graves' gaze squarely. "Yes, the W-sixty. It's a finely calibrated tactical nuclear weapon, designed for precision engagements with a significantly reduced blast radius. Its deployment is, of course, a matter of last resort, but we're facing a situation that may warrant such extreme measures, especially this kind of situation. Our F-35s, Super Soldier, and even our power suit are no match against the magic users. They are too strong, I admit, if there was a leveling system here in this new world, they might be around 50 and above."

"I am not against using a tactical nuke over the Korean Peninsula. Granted the existential threat of the master and his minions. But there may still be survivors that are hiding."