The Progenitor Made it Easy

Specter-2's senses heightened to their limits as he sought out Lin Feng. "Where did he go?" he demanded, swiveling his head left and right. The heads-up display in his helmet scanned frantically for any sign of the elusive figure. Lin Feng had seemingly vanished into thin air, undetectable even with their advanced tech—until a sudden, pained cry sliced through the air.

Specter-2 whirled towards the source of the sound in time to see Specter-3, his body contorting unnaturally, as if an invisible force was wrenching him apart. Then, with violent abruptness, Specter-3 was hurled away, his figure shrinking rapidly as he flew across the landscape. 

Without hesitation, Specter-2 shouldered his pulsefire cannon, his hands steadying the weapon as he attempted to lock onto Lin Feng's last known position. But before the targeting system could confirm a lock, Lin Feng phased out of visibility once more, only to reappear behind Specter-2 in a whisper of motion.