The Backup Arrives

Echo 3-2, the only one left standing in his squad, quickly reloaded his M4 Carbine. His movements were methodical, driven by training and the urgent need to respond to the threat in front of him. He knew the odds were against him, but he didn't care. His focus was on doing whatever he could to stop Crimson, even if it seemed like a futile effort.

He began firing at Crimson, unloading magazine after magazine. Each shot was precise, aimed with the intention to incapacitate or at least slow her down. But Crimson simply stood there with her barrier in front of her. She even seemed bored by his attempts, yawning exaggeratedly and taunting him.

"Is that all you can do?" she mocked, her voice dripping with disdain. "You can keep trying, but it won't change your fate or the fate of those in the camp."