The Unconventional Way of Retreat

After declaring his intention to retreat, Graves activated his thrusters, propelling himself upward and away from the battlefield. 

Lin Feng refused to accept this tactical withdrawal as the end of their confrontation. As he was about to launch himself off the sky, Graves's suit miniature missile weapon system shot out from its compartment, targeting Lin Feng.

 The missiles exploded in front of Lin Feng, creating a temporary barrier of fire and debris. This unexpected move bought Graves some critical time.

Lin Feng, momentarily stalled by the explosions, quickly regained his composure but as he looked out to the skies, Graves was nowhere to be seen. But he had an idea of where he might come.

"They are retreating!" Lin Feng announced through his telepathic channel, reaching out to his harem. "Do not let them get away! Hello? Hello?!" 

There was no response from his harem until—.