
"So, should we swap?" he asked, glancing over at Richard with a smirk that was palpable even through his combat suit's visor. It was clear that Graves felt a surge of confidence after their narrow victory against Lin Feng and Su Xue.

Richard, checking the integrity of his plasma blade for any damage from the intense battle, couldn't help but chuckle at Graves's suggestion. "Swap, huh? And give you all the fun of dancing around with speedsters while I get pummeled by heavy hitters?" he replied, his tone playful yet tinged with the fatigue that comes from facing death head-on.

Despite the jesting, Richard's eyes were scanning the figures before them. Lin Feng and Su Xue were already on their feet.

"Airstrike would be coming at any moment so braced for impact," Richard warned. 

Graves nodded in acknowledgment of Richard's plan, his expression serious as he mentally prepared for the next phase of their operation.