Chapter 98: The First Spell

"15 grams of soil, a disposable lighter, and 1 point of legendary power. It seems that making this thing is simpler than imagined." Looking at the text next to the red dot, Liang En nodded and prepared to cast the spell.

He first went to the downstairs supermarket to buy a disposable lighter and dug a piece of soil from the lawn. Then he placed these items together with the pile of clay fragments.

And just as everything was ready, Liang En's gaze once again fell on the clay fragments, only to find that the original red dot had turned green.

"Interesting, is this the indication that all preparations are complete?" Smiling at the changing light dot in his field of vision, Liang En then used the card labeled [Repair (N)].

In the instant the card was consumed, the clump of soil placed on the side transformed into a tan-colored light that flowed into the plastic box containing the clay fragments. It then enveloped the entire clump of fragments.

As the light completely wrapped around the fragments, the lighter beside it turned into a ball of flames and flew into the tan light. Then, the tan light pulsed like a heartbeat.

With each pulse of light, the clump of light gradually shrank. Two minutes later, the light disappeared completely, leaving behind a mostly intact clay tablet.

"Is achieving this level possible with just an ordinary repair?!" After taking out the now whole clay tablet from the box and inspecting it, Liang En exclaimed softly.

He had thought that this kind of repair would be similar to how some auction houses fix artifacts – sticking the broken pieces back together and using similar materials to fill in missing parts.

But now it seemed that the result was much better than this assumption. The whole clay tablet looked as if it had never been damaged, with only slight traces of repair visible under careful examination through a magnifying glass. It was hard to believe that it was once an inconspicuous pile of fragments.

After the spell was completed, Liang En noticed that the blue circular pattern in the bottom right corner of his card labeled [History Explorer (Intermediate) (NR)] had only half of its blue color left.

At the same time, the Arabic numeral 2 had turned into 1. "Huh, it seems this point value isn't purely consumed." Observing the change in the card, Liang En began pondering. "The question now is how to restore this point value."

Contemplating this, Liang En placed the repaired clay tablet back into the safe, intending to proceed to Pearce's side to sell the pile of luxury goods he had acquired through his channels. However, before he could leave, he received a call from the butler of Count Bosite's household.

In the call, the butler informed Liang En that they had finished organizing all the items from the previous transaction. Therefore, they were ready to provide him with the agreed-upon compensation.

But regarding the nature of the compensation, the butler presented two options to Liang En. One option was £1 million in cash, and the other was a 60-square-meter apartment in the center of London.

This was indeed a rather difficult choice, so Liang En felt a bit embarrassed as he told the butler that he needed some time to consider.

Fortunately, the butler understood that such decisions were important for Liang En, so he politely stated that Liang En could take all the time he needed, as long as he communicated his choice within three days.

"Fool, of course, you should go for the apartment." After Liang En informed his parents about these two options, his mother was the first to call and express their opinion. "Money is constantly losing value, but property in London keeps appreciating."

"And you've also mentioned that the other party is a Count, which means he surely cares about his reputation. He won't offer a property clearly worth less than £1 million to you. Otherwise, what's left of their noble pride?"

While Liang En felt his mother's words were a bit rough, they made sense. Compared to the money, a property located in the British capital clearly seemed to be a more worthwhile investment.

As for the inconvenience of not living there right now, it's certainly not a problem. If he's not mistaken, renting properties in the city center is always quite straightforward.

So, on that evening, Liang En called the butler and conveyed his choice of the property. They agreed to handle all the formalities the next noon.

And the following morning, Liang En also noticed that the blue circle in the bottom right corner of his card labeled [History Explorer (Intermediate) (NR)] had been completely refilled, and the number on top had reverted to 2.

"It seems gaining points of legendary power is equivalent to increasing the blue bar's limit, and the blue bar automatically recovers the day after using it." As a modern person, Liang En quickly grasped the concept from his experience playing video games.

With a cheerful mood, Liang En continued writing several pieces he planned to release in the future. After all, he had uncovered the Rosetta Stone in this world and openly proposed a method to decipher ancient Egyptian language.

So, if Liang En didn't promptly bring out the research he had done in that regard, he would undoubtedly lose a significant academic opportunity.

Thankfully, the version of himself in this world had loved anything related to history since childhood. So, nearly everyone believed he had been diligently researching this field for seven or eight years. Therefore, even if he consistently achieved success in this area, it wouldn't raise suspicions.

However, even so, Liang En would still need some time to publish new papers. Thus, he had enough time to gradually pull out several articles related to the study of ancient Egyptian writing from his mind.

But in order to avoid rushing like he did during summer vacations in his childhood, where he'd write a large amount of content right before they ended, after returning from Egypt, whenever Liang En had spare moments, he'd write a portion at his desk.

Time passed quickly when he was engrossed in writing. When the alarm on his phone rang at noon, Liang En quickly finished his writing, stood up from his desk, and left his room.

After greeting Fan Meng, who was exercising in his own room, Liang En left the apartment. Following the agreement from yesterday, the Count's butler would arrive in London on the plane departing at noon.

Traffic congestion was a common ailment of big cities, and London was no exception. So, when Liang En arrived at Heathrow Airport by taxi, he only had to wait a few minutes before the butler's plane landed.

After a brief exchange of greetings at the airport, the two of them took a taxi directly to the land transfer department. They were there to complete the transfer of ownership for the apartment.

Indeed, the luxurious apartment with only one living room, one bedroom, a small kitchen, and a tiny bathroom, totaling 60 square meters, was quite valuable. Its market value might even be a bit higher than £1 million.

The reason for the high price was straightforward – it was located in the super-affluent district of Drayton Gardens in Chelsea, right next to Hyde Park and just a stone's throw away from the Natural History Museum. It was situated in one of the best areas in London.

"His Lordship holds you in high regard. If it weren't for his poor health, he would definitely have come to London to meet you in person." After completing the registration procedures, the butler conveyed Mr. Count's request to Liang En.

"His Lordship has also requested me to extend an invitation to you. Whenever you have the opportunity to visit France, you can come directly to our place as his Lordship is keen on meeting young talents like yourself."

"Furthermore, he has a new commission related to the previous assignment that he'd like to entrust to you." The butler took out a brown notebook.

"Take a look at this first. It contains the belongings of Lord Dulis that we retrieved from Finland. It records some things."

Paying tribute to Grandpa Yuan Longping, may he rest in peace.