A Massive Personality. ;|

I've been brought a serious problem here...ships. MHA ships, if I say, "Kuro isn't screwing anyone." People who like seggs and those who like basic romance will probably leave. So, I kinda need to find a solution for that...or just ignore it.


As the day came to an end and everyone was sent home, Bakugo found himself feeling something was off. Despite winning his match, despite everything seemingly going his way, there was a strange emptiness gnawing at him. Why? He had proven himself, put Deku in his place, and yet... it didn't feel right.

It wasn't anger or disappointment, but rather an unsettling calmness. It wasn't the adrenaline rush he usually chased after, nor the satisfaction of victory. What now? Bakugo thought to himself as he walked home, trying to figure out how to shake the feeling. Maybe cheering himself up would help, but how?

Meanwhile, across UA, Kurokami Tenshin was immersed in his work with Mei Hatsume in the Support Course Lab. Mei, as always, was enthusiastic, lying on her stomach in her usual outfit, minus the tank top she had discarded to allow the machine to work more effectively. "Alright, start it up, Kuro!" Mei called out with a thumbs up, her voice full of confidence. "This time it'll work!"

Kuro, keeping a close eye on the machine, responded with his signature enthusiasm. "You got it!" He made sure everything was functioning smoothly, though, on the surface, it looked like he was simply giving Mei a massage.

But in reality, what Kuro was testing was far more advanced than a regular massage. They were working on a prototype for a "Healing Chamber"—a device with incredible potential.

Once perfected, the chamber would allow for seamless surgeries, re-attaching limbs, and, in the future, possibly growing new ones. For now, though, Kuro's job was to ensure it could handle simple tasks like giving a massage without any malfunctions.

As the machine began its work, two hyper-sensitive robotic arms, controlled through VR technology, gently massaged Mei's back. The arms mimicked the real hands of the user but were far more precise and steady, making them ideal for delicate medical procedures.

Mei, always the eager inventor, relaxed into the machine's rhythm. "Yeah, this is a great way to unwind," she said, her body visibly relaxing.

Kuro watched carefully, documenting the machine's performance and taking note of any issues that arose. He was jotting down possible risks and improvements when he noticed how much Mei seemed to be enjoying herself. She wasn't even paying attention to the machine's function—just lying there, enjoying the massage.

"Hey... wait a second. Is this even a real test?" Kuro asked, his suspicion rising.

Mei, without missing a beat, responded with a mischievous grin. "Nope! I just wanted to relax. My shoulders were feeling stiff."

Kuro let out an exasperated sigh. Of course. He'd been tricked, but honestly, he didn't mind. It wasn't as though this wasn't helpful—it was still valuable data for the machine's future development. Plus, seeing Mei relaxed was a good sign that the machine could at least serve as a stress-relief tool if nothing else.

"Well," Kuro said, shaking his head but with a smile, "I guess it's still a useful test, even if you're just using it to slack off."

"Hey! I'm doing important work here!" Mei replied, but her tone was playful. She stretched her arms lazily, clearly enjoying her makeshift spa day.

Kuro continued taking notes, thinking about how much potential this project had. If perfected, this could revolutionize the way injuries are treated, not just for heroes but for everyone. The idea of being able to reattach limbs or even regrow them was almost too good to be true, but Kuro was determined to see it through.

As Mei stretched and put her tank top back on, Kuro, who was wearing a white lab coat much too big for him, handed her a tablet containing all of his notes from the session.

Mei, staring at Kuro with a thoughtful look, couldn't help but notice how small he seemed in comparison to the oversized coat. An idea sparked in her mind—she could fix that. Maybe a custom suit with adjustable size or even something to make him look taller. But that was a project for later.

Kuro, noticing her intense stare, looked confused. Why was she staring so hard? Shrugging it off, he handed her the tablet. "All the notes from today. You're going to be sleeping here again, right?" he asked, fully expecting her to confirm. Mei was notorious for working late into the night, often passing out in the Support Course Lab rather than heading home.

To Kuro's surprise, Mei shook her head. "Nope, not tonight," she said, causing Kuro's eyebrows to rise. "My parents want me home for dinner."

Kuro blinked in shock. Mei? Going home? That was practically unheard of. "Say hi to them for me," he said, trying to mask his surprise.

Mei grinned. "Will do!" She waved as she left the lab, leaving Kuro to lock up. As he stood there, keys in hand, his mind wandered to the thought of Mei's parents, and naturally, it shifted to his own.

But just as that thought crept in, a sudden sharp pain stabbed through his mind, forcing him to clutch his head. What was that? He winced, shaking off the discomfort as quickly as it had come, but he knew it wasn't something he could ignore. Maybe I should get that checked out… he thought to himself, though he quickly dismissed the idea. He wasn't one to dwell on pain—it would pass. It always did.

As he finished locking up, Kuro absentmindedly reached for his phone. He didn't use it often, and the only reason he had one at all was because Iida had insisted he needed one as Class President. Kuro didn't particularly care for it, and it mostly went unchecked.

However, as he glanced at the screen, something unexpected caught his attention—a message from Bakugo.

Kuro stared at the notification for a moment, genuinely surprised. Bakugo? Why would he be messaging me? He and Bakugo had an odd relationship—part rivalry, part something else. But Bakugo wasn't the type to reach out, especially via phone.


As Kuro walked home through the dimly lit streets, the shift from the pristine grounds of UA to the squalid and run-down neighborhood he lived in became apparent.

The air was thicker here, and the energy was different. But tonight, instead of going straight home, Kuro took a detour into the woods, a familiar path, but this time not for training. There was something else waiting for him.

After a short walk, Kuro entered a clearing in the woods, and there he was—Bakugo Katsuki. Clad in a black tank top and sweatpants, Bakugo stood with his fists clenched, his body taut with anticipation. The air around him crackled with the faint remnants of his quirk, a clear sign that Bakugo wasn't here for a casual chat.

Kuro, still dressed in his UA uniform, tilted his head slightly, curious. "Is this just for fun, or do you want to fight?" he asked casually as if they were discussing something as simple as what to eat for dinner.

Bakugo didn't answer. Instead, with a sudden burst of speed, he charged forward, explosions sparking from his palms. Kuro instinctively stepped back, recognizing Bakugo's silence as confirmation. This was a real fight.

The clash between them was fierce. Bakugo fought with his usual intensity, explosions lighting up the clearing as his fists shot out toward Kuro, who dodged and countered with his bursts of energy.

Kuro's quirk, Ki, enveloped him in light purple energy, enhancing his movements and allowing him to keep up with Bakugo's relentless assault. Each blow they exchanged was powerful, creating shockwaves that rustled the leaves and shook the ground.

For Bakugo, the fight served as a release. Ever since his match with Deku, something had felt off. The emptiness gnawed at him, a void he couldn't fill.

But here, in the heat of combat, fighting someone who pushed him to his limits, he felt something close to satisfaction. No strategy, no emotions—just raw strength and skill. He smiled, and then he laughed, his adrenaline rising as Kuro continued to push him back.

Kuro, on the other hand, was relieved. Seeing Bakugo smile again made the fight all the more enjoyable. There was nothing worse than fighting someone whose heart wasn't in it.

Once their "deathmatch" ended, both were left bruised and battered, but Kuro, true to form, began tending to his injuries. He wrapped his arms with spare bandages, his breath still heavy from the intensity of the battle. Bakugo sat nearby, catching his breath, but there was a silence between them—a silence Bakugo finally broke.

"I beat Deku," Bakugo said, his voice low.

Kuro, in typical fashion, responded nonchalantly, "Okay."

Bakugo chuckled, a bit of frustration seeping into his voice. "Beating Deku... it was boring."

Kuro didn't seem surprised. "You're not gonna enjoy a fight when the other person isn't used to their quirk, not fighting for real. How could beating him be satisfying?"

Bakugo fell silent for a moment, contemplating Kuro's words. Deep down, he knew Kuro was right. Deku wasn't at his full potential. Their fight had been lopsided from the start. There had been no thrill, no sense of overcoming a true challenge.

After a long pause, Bakugo finally stood, dusting himself off. "Listen, Kuro," he said, his voice more serious than before. "I never plan on losing to you. I'm going to be the NO.1 Hero. But before that happens, you're not allowed to lose to anyone else. Got it?"

Kuro smiled, happy to see Bakugo back to his usual self. "Naturally. To a god, defeat is foreign."

That comment, as expected, annoyed Bakugo to no end. "You and that stupid god complex," he muttered, turning away, clearly fed up with Kuro's inflated ego. Without another word, Bakugo began walking away, leaving the clearing.

As Kuro stood alone, he glanced up at the moon, its pale light casting a serene glow over the trees. Usually, after intense training sessions, he would stare at the moon to calm himself, to center his mind. But tonight, it looked different—almost ominous. Like a bad omen.

He shook off the feeling, telling himself it was nothing. Superstitions weren't for someone like him, he'd blow up the moon if it was annoying. Still... something gnawed at the back of his mind.

Brushing the thought aside, Kuro sped off into the night, heading home.


Meanwhile, Izuku Midoriya was at home, pushing himself through his usual training routine, but his mind was preoccupied. His thoughts kept drifting back to the practice match with Kacchan. He couldn't shake the feeling of failure—not just because he lost, but because he still hadn't managed to fix things with Bakugo. The worst part? Bakugo didn't care anymore. That much was clear during their fight. How do I make him listen?

As Izuku went through each movement, he found himself wondering. Why is Kurokami Tenshin such good friends with Bakugo? What was it that kept them close? And then it hit him.

Is it strength? Izuku thought, realization dawning on him. "Is that it, Kacchan? The only way to get through to you... is strength?"

Lost in thought, Izuku suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, causing him to jump. He turned to see his mother, Inko Midoriya, smiling warmly at him. "You've been smiling a lot more since you started at UA," she said, her eyes filled with motherly pride.

Izuku gave her a small, bittersweet smile in return. Even with all his issues with Bakugo, it was still better than the years of being completely ignored. His time at UA had opened new doors, and given him new challenges, and new friends. But even with all that, Kacchan still loomed large in his mind.

Before Izuku could lose himself in those thoughts again, his mother gently pulled him by the arm. "Come on," she said cheerfully. "Since you've got nothing else to do right now, it's time for cleaning!"

Izuku sighed, but he couldn't refuse his mom. He found himself once again helpless in the face of household chores, and soon enough, he was busy helping her around the house.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city...

Kurokami Tenshin was multitasking, as usual. He was on the phone with both Momo Yaoyorozu and Tenya Iida, discussing plans for the class while simultaneously pushing himself through some basic push-ups. But, of course, this being Kuro, he wasn't just doing normal push-ups—he was training in Mei Hatsume's weighted suit, which made each movement a grueling task. The resistance? Exactly what Kuro loved.

"Would tomorrow work for the icebreaker?" Iida's voice came through the phone, his tone thoughtful and efficient as always.

Momo, also on the line, considered it. "Yes, I think tomorrow would be perfect. We've had enough time to get to know each other on the surface. An official team-building activity would help deepen those connections."

Kuro, breathing steadily as he continued his push-ups, chimed in between reps. "What should we start with? I mean, I vote for a class fighting tournament, but I'm guessing we should go with something less... intense?"

Iida, predictably, agreed with Kuro's self-correction. "Indeed, a fighting tournament might be a bit much for an icebreaker. A simple team-building exercise should be enough for now."

Momo, who had been silent while considering their options, added, "Should we stick with three teams like we discussed earlier? That way, everyone has a chance to bond with different classmates."

Kuro thought about it and nodded, even though they couldn't see him. "Yeah, three teams sounds like the best option for now. Three teams of seven."

Iida asked another question, his voice taking on a more relaxed tone. "Momo, could you possibly bring some snacks? Food always helps with team-building."

Momo chuckled softly, pleased to contribute. "I have plenty of leftovers from home, so I'll bring enough for everyone."

Kuro, still mid-training, added, "I can bring drinks! I'll just need to grab a lot of them."

"Sounds good," Iida replied, his tone finalizing the decision. "Let's meet tomorrow, and we can get started with the exercise."

With everything settled, the three of them each ended the call, returning to their respective hobbies.

Kuro, as usual, didn't stop his training. He lived for the challenge.

Momo likely returned to some intellectual pursuit, always eager to improve herself.

Iida, the ever-dedicated student, was probably organizing their plans for tomorrow to ensure everything went smoothly.


The next day at UA started off like any other, but as it drew to a close, the classroom atmosphere shifted. With everyone packing up to leave, Tenya Iida shot Momo Yaoyorozu a glance, signaling that it was time for the planned class activity. They were going to ease everyone into a team-building session, something they had carefully planned with Kurokami Tenshin.

However, before Iida could make his smooth transition, Kuro—being Kuro—decided to take charge. Jumping onto one of the desks, he announced, with his usual infectious energy, "Hey! Momo's having a class party! Everyone's invited! Drinks, snacks, and games!"

The class erupted in cheers and excitement. Iida sighed, watching his well-thought-out plan dissolve in a matter of seconds. Momo, who had initially been surprised by Kuro's sudden approach, was relieved to see how effective it was. In fact, she was a little impressed. Kuro was clearly the best choice for Class President, if this kind of morale boost was anything to go by.

With the entire Class 1-A in high spirits, they followed Kuro out of the classroom and toward the location of the so-called "party."

As they walked, Iida, ever the concerned and responsible one, leaned over and whispered to Kuro, "Did you actually set up the place properly?"

Kuro, with his trademark confidence, nodded enthusiastically. "Don't worry, Iida, it's amazing!"

Naturally, this only made both Iida and Momo feel a bit apprehensive. What could Kuro have possibly done to the place?

When they arrived, the students were met with a shock of awe and surprise. The classroom had been completely transformed—luxurious red carpets, intricate paintings on the walls, and an atmosphere that screamed high class. It looked like a miniature arcade, complete with a gaming room, board games in the back, and various entertainment options that glittered in every corner.

Kuro stood proudly, clearly expecting to be praised for his hard work.

"Where did you even get all this stuff?" Iida asked, baffled by the sheer scale of it all.

"Oh, I just used Yaoyorozu's credit card," Kuro said casually as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Momo's eyes widened as realization dawned on her. "Wait—that's why you took my wallet the other day?"

Iida, shaking his head at the blatant misuse of a classmate's funds, sighed. "Kuro, theft between classmates isn't exactly a good thing... but I have to admit, you did a stellar job with this."

Kuro, now beaming, grabbed both Momo and Iida by the arms and pulled them to the front of the room. A large object covered by a cloth sat in the center of the room. With a flourish, Kuro dramatically whipped the cover off, revealing a round table.

"This!" Kuro exclaimed. "Is the Command Center!"

Iida, studying the table, noticed that it wasn't made of any expensive material—just smooth stone, almost as if it had been melted and then carved into shape. "You made this?"

"Yeah!" Kuro grinned. "Took me a while, but it's done."

Momo, meanwhile, looked around the room in mild concern. The rest of the class had scattered—most of them were already enjoying the various games and entertainment Kuro had set up. The planned team-building activity seemed like a distant memory now.

Bakugo, standing off to the side with his arms crossed, gave a dismissive snort. "This what you've been wasting your time on, Kuro? What a joke."

Kuro, unfazed by Bakugo's attitude, shot back with a smirk. "Don't worry, I'll still be stronger in the end."

Before they could bicker further, Iida, trying to keep things on track, tugged Kuro back to the task at hand. "Kuro, we still need to get the class focused on the actual team-building activity. How do we get them off all the entertainment you set up?"

Kuro scratched his chin, thinking. "Hmm... well, maybe we could have the team-building games be competitive? You know, make it a challenge or a competition. Whoever wins gets something cool, like bragging rights—or snacks. People love snacks, right?"

Momo raised an eyebrow. "Snacks... as a prize?"

Kuro grinned. "Hey, it works!"

Iida, seeing no better option at the moment, reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but we need to make sure it fosters teamwork and isn't just another way for people to show off. Let's bring everyone back together and explain the rules."

Kuro, Momo, and Iida quickly regrouped and, with some effort, managed to gather the class back around the Command Center.

"Alright, listen up!" Kuro called out, standing once again on the desk, waving his hands to get their attention. "We're doing a team-building exercise, but with a twist! It's gonna be a competition. You'll be put into teams, and the winning team gets... snacks!"

The class murmured in excitement. Bakugo, rolling his eyes from the back of the room, muttered, "Like I need snacks to prove I'm the best."

Momo and Iida took over from there, carefully explaining the mechanics of the exercise while Kuro added his usual flair. The goal was to complete different team-oriented challenges—whether it was building a structure together, solving a puzzle, or playing a cooperative game. The focus was on communication, trust, and collaboration.


[Auther: Yo. Anyways, the moon thing is just a reference to..." hAnDs~" And no, it's not Kira Yoshikage. Btw, choose what teams each person should man. If you don't, I will~!]

  1. That's what big booba does.
  2. No, Kuro is not DB accurate okay? Otherwise, 2 weeks from simple training, he'd solo anyone but Shigaraki.