Chapter 35: He got off way too cheaply!

"But Boss, they chased all the customers out of the restaurant, this loss..."


Boss He scowled and grunted coldly, clearly not wanting Fatty to say anything more.

"Yes, yes, I'll go now, I'll go now!"

Fatty shrank back, his face full of sycophantic flattery, repeatedly bowing to Boss He while backing out of the restaurant.

As he left, he glared furiously at Liu Sisi and Di Yelei, secretly scheming how to regain his lost ground.

Liu Sisi didn't take this petty man's threat seriously at all – he was just a dog seeking the support of humans!

If a dog bites a person, the person cannot bite the dog back>

"Since the matter has been clarified, we'll take our leave now."

Di Yelei didn't want to stay a moment longer, leading Liu Sisi to turn around and leave.

"Wait, brave sir!"