Chapter 240: Elderly Mr. Di’s Heart Turned to Ash, Sisi's Thoughts

"What hill? Look at you, you're up in age and you still don't take care of your own health. Sit down and speak, take it easy, don't rush!"

The Land Officer hurriedly helped Elderly Mr. Di sit at his original seat.

He was genuinely afraid that Mr. Di, shaking as he was, would shake himself into a serious condition. That would be disastrous.

After all, he and Mr. Di had grown up together. They had had many stupid adventures as young men, like stealing bird's eggs, fishing in the river, running across the hillside from a bear after stealing honey. He really didn't want to lose another close contemporary.

Elderly Mr. Di firmly gripped Land Officer's hand and struggled to shake his head: "I... wish... to live... with Third Son ..."

Indeed! He finally figured it out. Being old, he feared that nobody would want to keep him.