Chapter 339 Double Happiness Comes to the Family Door, Everyone is Happy! (Part 1)

Guihua shook her head dismissively.

Liu Sisi smiled, hiding her lips, having no particular feelings toward Ms. Xin.

It was just her overpowering perfume that Liu Sisi found especially hard to bear.

It would be best to keep her distance in the future, she thought. She really could not stand that scent.

Outside, Liu Zhi'er and Guihua were still engrossed in conversation, their chatter accompanied by the sound of daubing shoe polish, the audible reading from Xuan'er in the hall, Zhang Yun's querulous rebuttals, and the playful clamor of YingEr and Da Mao playing around the house, the squeals of the chickens, and the gentle admonishments of their father…

All these different sounds mingling together made Liu Sisi feel particularly at peace, feeling enveloped in a cocoon of warmth, and involuntarily slipping into dreamland.