Chapter 659: Life and Death in Two Days and Two Nights (Part 16)

Old Man Li stumbled and hurried through the cave.

Without anyone to guide him, the terrain inside the cave was complex and difficult to navigate. After taking two wrong turns, he tried to change direction again. By now, all he wanted to do was escape the cave.

He walked quickly, searching for the three twists Jiang Xiaocai had mentioned. After several attempts, he finally saw the unique light filtering in from the cave entrance.

His heart soared and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Outside the cave, it was quiet and the stars were faintly visible. There was no sound or movement in the surroundings.

He glanced cautiously to the left and right, even carefully checking the soil near the entrance for any recent footprints. Only when he was sure there was none did he approach the cave exit, keeping close to the rocky wall as he crawled out.

The brilliant stars twinkled in the blue sky, accompanied by the bright moon that illuminated the earth.