Chapter 886: Three Urgent Needs of People


The flying snow continued to flutter down, coating the trees in ice crystals and piling a thick layer on the ground beneath. A single step would sink into a deep pit.

On a snowy day, if you kept moving, you wouldn't feel very cold, but the worst was after you'd moved around and your back was soaked with sweat, and then you suddenly stood still in the snow, feeling the chill piercing to the bone.

Worried about being discovered by the enemy below, no one brought up the matter of starting a fire, and most simply huddled with a few acquaintances for warmth.

Only Liu Sisi, a woman, stood alone in the shelter of the wind, shivering uncontrollably.

Zhang Peng could not bear to watch. He took off the sheep wool shawl he was wearing and handed it to Liu Sisi, "Sister-in-law, in these critical times, we must do what we must. Wear this shawl for now. It will keep you warmer."

Liu Sisi glanced at the shawl in Zhang Peng's hand, then smiled.