It's over

Ashton couldn't believe it. 

Something was definitely up and he wasn't about to stand around and allow Em's chances to be taken away. 

There was just something about Em that made Ashton want to protect him, to keep that spark alive in his grey eyes. 

"This is Wright," He stated the moment his contact picked up. No matter which industry, no matter where, there was only one Wright to know. 

The person on the line seemed flustered and Ashton used that to his advantage. 

"The auditions yesterday, wasn't there an Em Spelt who auditioned?" Ashton's tone was stone cold, he would get an answer and he would get it now. 

The other person scrambled, the sound of papers falling and then being shuffled came over the phone. 

"Spelt?" The muffled voice said, "Yes sir, we had a Spelt."

"If you saw the audition, why didn't you offer the role? It seems only natural given his talent, isn't it?" Ashton knew he was talking to the casting director, the person who would have the final say in the roles. 

"Spelt?" The casting director sounded puzzled now, "It says here that's who we decided to go with in the end. Producer Penhas insisted on it."

Ashton stopped planning the downfall of several production companies and a small smile began to tug at the corners of his mouth. 

"That's excellent news," He recovered smoothly, not allowing his emotions through at all, "Have a good day ahead."

He wondered why Em thought he didn't get the role. Maybe they hadn't made the offer yet. 

Perfect, he would surprise Em with the good news. 


Emmaline stared at the text message from Ashton with a sense of doom hanging over her. 

Ashton: Meet me here tonight at 7. 

"It's over," She whispered to herself, "He knows and he's going to make me give the one million back."

She itched to call Camilla and panic on the phone together with her best friend but Camilla was in an intensive scriptwriting session and she didn't want to ruin her friend's flow. 

Nope, she got herself into this mess and she would get herself out of it. Or at least, clean it up herself. 

At seven sharp, she showed up at the restaurant Ashton had given her the address for. 

Part of her had wondered if it was even worthwhile to dress up as Em instead of Emmaline. 

But even if Ashton knew the truth, she didn't want to rub it in his face. 

He must be angry. Humiliated. Betrayed. 

With a groan, she buried her face in her hands, the fringe of her wig brushing against her fingers. 

Well, at least she wouldn't have to wear this horrendous wig any longer. 

Taking a deep breath and summoning her courage, she strode through the doors. 

Only to be metaphorically smacked in the face by a huge 'Congratulations!' banner draped over one wall and a bouquet of flowers in a vase at the side. 

Ashton sat at a table for two, smiling in a way that she had learnt was genuine. Different from the playful grins and the charming smirks that he usually pulled out, this smile was when he really meant it. 

Emmaline stood stock still in shock. 

She had come prepared to grovel for forgiveness, to face Ashton's wrath, to apologize properly and to give up any chance of getting her mother good medical care. 

Instead, he had seemingly booked out a whole restaurant, decorated, bought her flowers… 

She didn't understand. 

"I wanted to give you the good news," Ashton ushered her to her seat. Emmaline followed in a daze. 

Good news? 

He didn't find out that she was a girl?

"I heard they offered you a role!" Ashton filled her glass with champagne, "So I thought we should celebrate."

Guilt slammed into Emmaline with such force that she felt the air get punched out of her lungs. 

Not only was he still in the dark, he was cheering her on, making an effort to celebrate with her. 

She knew he was busy. 

When they had first met, he had been interrupted by phone calls and all of them had sounded important. 

So the fact that he made the time to have dinner with her just to do this…

It was too much. 

I have to tell him, Emmaline resolved. Ashton seemed too nice to be deceived like this. Even if he was a rich kid, he didn't deserve this. 

Even if I have to give the money back, I have to do it, she decided with determination. 

"I'm sure you blew them away," Ashton told her and she managed a weak smile. 

"Actually, I need to tell you something," She started but he waved a hand to stop her. 

"Please, let's eat a bit first, the food here is delicious," He gestured at an appetizer that would look mouthwatering if Emmaline didn't feel so nauseous. 

Emmaline picked at her food and then decided that if she took a bite, she would probably throw it up straight away. 

"Ashton, I need to be honest with you," She tried again. 

He looked up expectantly at her, and part of her heart broke a little. 

Once he knew the truth, he wouldn't be so nice to her. She wouldn't get to see his genuine smile any longer either. 

She sighed, it had to be done. 

"I'm sorry, I should have clarified sooner, but I-" This time, she cut herself off when her phone buzzed insistently with a call. 

The moment she saw the number her face paled. 

"Is this the family of Seraphina Spelt?" A polite voice came over the line. 

"Yes," Emmaline croaked, already shoving her chair back and grabbing her things, "What's wrong, where is she?"

Emmaline had recognised the hospital's number with a sense of dread. Although this wasn't the first time, each time something like this happened, it always felt like the end of the world for her. 

"Seraphina Spelt seems to have had a relapse, I'm sorry but she needs urgent medical care."