Get you a man who can do both

Fiona didn't move an inch, she remained like a creepy smiling statue. 

Instead, the two burly men by her side advanced toward Emmaline. 

Emmaline instinctively took a step back, her palms beginning to sweat. 

She knew her limits, she couldn't take on two guys who looked like they ate people like her for breakfast!

But she didn't want to run either. 

Her pride wouldn't let her. 

She was in a fairly public place, they wouldn't dare to do anything here, right?

But as one of them started leering at her and the other began swinging his arm back and forth like a warm up, she wasn't so sure anymore. 

Her breathing sped up as she tensed, wondering if she could scream or fight or run.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your friendly chat," A familiar voice cut through the thick tension, "Em, you're wanted back on set."

All heads swiveled to find a chipper looking Ethan Park. 

Emmaline deflated with relief, she could have kissed Ethan for his excellent timing. 

"By the way, it wasn't just you and me," Emmaline couldn't resist the opportunity to retort, "Tweedledum and Tweedledee were also here, you should work on your math."

Fiona's outraged shout was the last thing she heard before Emmaline grabbed Ethan's arm and half speedwalked, half dragged him into a passageway in the safety of the building. 

"Thanks," She muttered, her heartbeat still loud in her ears and the adrenaline still pumping through her veins. 

"Not at all, three against one isn't very fair, in my books," Ethan responded and Emmaline's head shot up in surprise. 

Staring at his suddenly serious face, Emmaline realised that Ethan had not just accidentally bumbled into that standoff. 

"Yeah, I didn't think it was very fair either," She agreed, still processing her surprise. 

Emmaline studied him, waiting for his response. Waiting for him to pass judgment or anything else. 

He clearly wasn't oblivious. But she didn't want this situation with Fiona to get out either. 

"You have a very good friend," He said finally, his eyes twinkling, "It wouldn't have been easy to soothe the brand representative otherwise."


Emmaline's eyebrows rose. 

So he had noticed from that point already. Unless… He was in on the plan? 

Emmaline doubted it, he had nothing to gain from harming her. 

"She's the best," She nodded, then she squinted at him, "So she deserves the best."

He smiled slightly, understanding her immediately, "She does. I should have helped you out but I didn't know what I could have done and so I was too late."

Through her narrowed eyes, Emmaline assessed him and found him to be quite honest. 

So she grinned, "It's okay, I'll tell her about how you redeemed yourself later on."

He visibly brightened, "You're a good one, Em."


I am a bad person, Emmaline thought to herself as she smiled at Great Grandmother Wright. 

The old lady was cool and elegant as usual, dressed in a summery blouse and long skirt. 

Great Grandmother Wright had welcomed her so readily that Emmaline immediately felt guilty all over again.

Steeling herself, she sank into the character of Emmett Spelt. 

For mom, she told herself. Mom needs this. 

Looking around the Wright estate, she let out a gasp at the splendour. 

There were strings of fairy lights trailing from lampposts to the awning of the main house, waiting for dusk to light up. 

Flowers were trellised, providing colourful corridors in the garden area. 

A huge fountain that she must have missed in her sheer stress the last time was like a centrepiece in the massive outdoor space. 

Guests sat at the tables set up or milled around and wait staff served light bites and champagne. 

It was like a gorgeous fairy tale afternoon. 

"It's beautiful," She breathed and Ashton glanced at her with a small bemused smile. 

"You should tell my dad that. He'll be happy that someone appreciates all the effort he put in," He told her. 

Her mouth fell open as she stared at him, her grey eyes huge on her small face. 

"Your dad?" She echoed in disbelief, "No offense, but I thought your mom…"

Ashton nodded, chuckling a little, "I know, but my parents don't really fit into the usual gender stereotypes."

Emmaline turned around again to survey the decor. 

She pointed at the sprays of flowers twined around the white lattice fence, "Your dad?"

Ashton nodded. 

She pointed at the curling ribbons that hung from each door handle, "Your dad?"

"One and the same," Ashton grinned, looking very entertained. 

"Your dad?" She asked incredulously, gesturing at the white and gold foil balloons that were suspended across the lawn, some with photos of the Wright couple on them. 

Ashton patted her on the head, "My mom likes to keep things low key. My dad is the one who loves to show her off. She had to stop him from renting out an island this year so this is considered a compromise."

Emmaline's mind was boggled with the knowledge. 

Who knew Damon Wright was such a romantic?

He was the cold, strong, silent type so she never pegged him as someone who would adore his wife and want to show the whole world! 

Get you a man who can do both, I guess, she mused. 

"ASH!" A strong voice roared. 

Emmaline turned in time to see a blur of colour leap at Ashton and jump on him. 

With a loud laugh, Ashton caught the person and spun them around before putting them down to hug them properly. 

Other guests looked at the commotion in surprise, but once they identified the person, looks of understanding crossed their faces and they turned back to their own conversations. 

Once the pair had slowed down, Emmaline could catch sight of the newcomer's face. 

She was stunning. 

The girl that Ashton had in his arms had a dark blonde pixie cut that accentuated her sharp chin and high cheekbones. 

Lively brown eyes were dancing as she laughed heartily, slapping Ashton on the back. 

She was tall and her long, slim legs were showcased in the leather shorts and ankle boots that she had on. 

Emmaline would have guessed that the woman was a model if not for the fact that Emmaline had never seen her in adverts anywhere, and there was no way she wouldn't be everywhere if she was a model. 

Finally, reunion over, she released Ashton, coming up close to Emmaline, her doe eyes examining Emmaline carefully.

Then she froze. 

"Holy crap!"