I'll get what I want

Her head hurt. 

That was the first thing Emmaline could think of when she woke up. 

Disoriented, she sat up slowly, trying to remember why. 

She hadn't gone drinking, nor had she had a hard day at work. 

Then the painful solidity of her bed registered and she realized she wasn't in bed. 

She was on damp concrete, the coldness of it finally hitting her and making her shiver. 

Her neck ached from the strange position she had been lying in and her head throbbed. 

Then it finally came back, the message and the suspicion, the phone call to Camilla and that hard whack to her head. 

She hadn't even seen anyone else on the street when she had been walking, they must have snuck up on her while she was on the phone. 

Gingerly feeling the side of her head, she let out a soft cry when her fingers probed the tender spots on her scalp. 

No blood, she noted, so that was good. 

But she felt dizzy and the pain was slowly growing.