"A....a Sweeper team," Anja said looking at him." I am not aware of any Sweeper Team being on EDEN."

"They transported up among the techs with your group". Martin spoke now. "The Master Chief can smell those bastards a mile away. Its no coincidence they came up on the same transports as you and Senator Graham."

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" Anja snapped.

"A word of advice Commander Peterson". Bill continued from his new spot on the table. "Your little witch hunt here will not turn up what Senator Graham hopes it will. He has you chasing ghosts. But thats ok, cause when his little six week stay here is all done he will go back to earth and be a thorn in someone else's side. You on the other hand well your ass belongs to me for the duration of your one year tour up here on EDEN."

Anja's eyes went wide, "A year? Admiral there must be some mistake; I am slotted to return with Senator Graham in six weeks. I am scheduled to attend the War College in two months!"

Wallace shook his head." Not any more. I pulled some strings and got you assigned for the full year. I suggest you change your holier than thou attitude, or you will find it to be a lonely one year."

Wallace stood up and smiled at her. "You're dismissed Commander". He turned his back on her as she slowly got to her feet. She was in a daze at what she had just heard. She needed to speak with the Senator as soon as possible.

Martin and Frank watched as she darted quickly from the command center. Martin turned to Bill. "Admiral you realize she'll go straight to Graham and start complaining. He's going to come after you then."

Bill nodded and smiled. "I'm counting on it. She has the makings of a good officer Marty she just has lost her way. You might not see that, but that is what my gut is telling me. I need you and Frank to help me bring her back into the real world."

Martin nodded." I'll do what I can sir, but I got a feeling I just made the top of her shit list."

"Better you than me Marty!" Frank said barely able to contain his laughter.

"Good. Between the three of us, well make her an ideal officer yet."

Martin chuckled. "Thats if she doesn't shoot us first."

Frank couldn't contain himself any longer and broke out into a fit of laughter. Martin and Bill joined in shortly after.

Martin was right, and Anja marched right into the Senators quarters and saw Kevin eating breakfast with his father. Richard Graham wore a silk robe over satin pajamas and was almost daintily sipping his coffee.

"Good morning Anja." He spoke from the couch without getting to his feet. Kevin looked at her and grunted with a mouthful of English muffin. "What can I do for you?"

"I just came out of the morning brief with Admiral Wallace!" Anja spat." Did you know he pulled some strings and got me assigned up here for a full year? Did you know that?"

Richard looked at her". I just became aware of it this morning." He lied.

"I can't stay up here for a year!" Anja spat. "I do not fit in with the people up here. You told me you could get me into the War College Richard."

"Anja you need to calm down". Graham spoke. "I am already working on it. What else did you learn at this meeting?"

"He has staff meetings every morning. Nothing of great importance, just reports from the department heads. Anja replied. Hes also aware of the Sweeper Team that you brought up".

Richard looked at her. "Excuse me?"

"Don't insult my intelligence Richard." She spoke." Did you actually think you could get a Sweeper Team onto EDEN without them knowing about it?"

Richard looked at Kevin. "Kevin there are some data pads in the office. Would you retrieve them for me?"

Kevin Graham nodded like the robot he was and stood to conduct his fathers bidding. Richard got to his feet and moved closer to Anja. "You need to remain calm". He told her in a low voice. "The Sweeper team is insurance."

"Insurance for what?" Anja asked." I'm tired of playing games with you Richard. When you brought me into your office you said you could help my career. So far all Ive gotten is slobbered on by Kevin and fucked by you whenever you want. When do I get something?"

"Anja as soon as this genome issue is settled you'll get everything you want. I promise."Richard said, reaching up to stroke her cheek.

Anja stared into his eyes and knew she was being played but she was in too deep now." I'll do what you want." She told him. "But as of this moment the sex store is closed until I get something in return. Is that clear?"

"Anja you..."

"I'm dead serious Richard." She snapped. She held up the data pad." This is what I have so far from EDENs computer database. What you do with it is not my concern. Im going to my lab because you can be damn sure they'll be watching me."

Anja spun around and marched out of the quarters. She began walking towards the tram train and took the data pad Admiral Wallace had given her from her coat pocket. She wasn't going to read any of the information on it, but after seeing Richard and not believing a word he said, it was time to start looking out for her own interests. She didn't see Richard watching her as she walked, or Kevin come up behind his father.

Richard Graham looked at his son. "We may have a problem developing". He stated simply.



Yuri looked at the doctor wide eyed in disbelief.

"Pregnant?" she gasped." There..... there must be some mistake. I....I can not Martin can not possibly get me pregnant."

The older doctor smiled in genuine warmth and nodded his head. Walter Carson was the head of the US Genome Program, and had been working closely with Yuri since her defection to the states. He had grown to think of her as one of his children, as he thought of all the genomes that had been created with his technology. He knew Yuri was in love with Martin, and he had been the one to help her realize what she was feeling, as well as encourage her to pursue Martin if that was what she wanted. He knew they had been sleeping together for almost two years, and now what was not suppose to happen had indeed happen. Yuri had become pregnant without the assistance of any artificial means. And while it was a joyous moment for him, he knew that perhaps others would not be so comfortable with the idea of genomes being able to breed.

Walter nodded and took her hand." Almost six weeks." He told her.

"Walter how is that possible? I thought I thought we were unable to have children without artificial insemination." Yuri said.

"It's possible because you are evolving Yuri." He replied." All life finds a way sooner or later. It appears Martins DNA has mutated along with yours and made child bearing possible".

"I'm.... I'm going to have his child?" She said softly, her hand going to her stomach.

"I thought you would be happy." Walter spoke, seeing her concerned look.

Yuri looked at him." Happy? Walter yes of course I'm happy. "She said." What what do I tell Martin?"

"He is still trying to grasp the concept of love?" Walter said, pulling up the roller chair.

Yuri looked at him. "How did you know that?"

Walter smiled." While I consider all the genomes in our program my children in a way, I've only been really close to three; Martin, Dan and Julie. They just related to me more than the others, perhaps because they were the first. They still come to me for advice occasionally. I know them pretty well. Ive talked to Martin about his feelings for you Yuri."

"Wait maybe we shouldn't be talking about this." Yuri said.

Walter smiled. "I won't reveal anything personal, don't worry. I will say this however. He may have trouble expressing what he feels Yuri, but do not question for a second that you are the center of his life right now, you and Yuriko."

Yuri couldn't help but force a smile at Walters words. His statement made her shudder inwardly with fear." Thank you."

Walter smiled and got to his feet. "Come with me". He said.

Yuri stepped nimbly from the table and followed the older man down the well lit corridor to a private office. He entered in a code and the door slid open, Walter proceeding into the room. Yuri followed and for the first time since she had known him she saw a different part of the doctor who had been so kind to her.

The office was very neat and large, with comfortable furniture and a view of Washington outside the large window. Yuri also took in the numerous pictures of elves dotting the walls, as well as several sculptures on the tables and his desk. The oil paintings all depicted scantily clad elves of every description, and they looked quite expensive. Walter turned and saw her admiring one of the paintings and he smiled.

"I have a healthy imagination and an interest in elves. I have since I was a boy. They fascinate me." Walter said.

Yuri smiled." So I see. What is this one depicting?"

Walter stepped up next to her his eyes on the painting". Elves were considered the noblest race of beings in legend and myth. This painting is of the High Elf Queen sparing the life of a Wood elf. The painting showed an exquisitely beautiful dark skinned elf holding her sword at the throat of the equally handsome male elf. According to legend, several years after this painting, the Queen married this surface elf you see and the races were finally reunited after three thousand years."

"Elves were immortal?" Yuri asked.

Walter nodded. "They could still be killed in any manner of ways, but their life spans were endless. You and Martin and the remaining genomes are the closest thing to them in history."

Yuri looked at him." How do you mean?"

"Elves especially the High elves were said to be warriors unequaled. Aside from their exceptional beauty they followed a strict code of honor. They had a caste type system of ruling, in which a Matriarch Mother ruled the clans until she died. While you and the others are not immortal, all of you could easily live to be several hundred years old. "Walter told her.

Yuri looked at him surprise in her eyes. "You are joking! She gasped."

Walter shook his head and turned to go back to his desk. "Not in the least. All of the original genomes were engineered with age slowing bio-agents, along with their animal DNA. They are in your blood system as well. For all practical purposes, you and the other genomes could live several hundred years as I said. I even had a symbol in the elfin language tattooed on the back of Martins shoulder since he was the first."

Yuri nodded. "I've noticed that. I asked him about it once. He said it was a tattoo that he had gotten, along with the others". She answered.

Walter nodded with a smile. "That is how he explains it to spare me any adverse reaction here if they find out I tattooed government property. "He settled into the high backed chair behind the desk." Mind you I wasn't happy when he went out and had all those flame tattoos added to his body."

Yuri grinned. "I find them rather sexy. She said. And they fit his personality. She settled into the chair across from his desk. Walter is the animal DNA that Martin and the others were given the reason they did not come apart in the same way as the other genomes?"

Walter took a deep breath." I believe it is the largest factor, yes. "

"I asked him about it once and he would not go into great detail". Yuri said.

Walter nodded. "They were the only batch to receive animal DNA. I did not foresee their ability to change as they are able, but I believe that is the reason they were not affected by the same DNA breakdown as the other genome units. I believe its also the reason they have survived this long and taken only light losses on their missions."

Yuri nodded. "He has told me a few stories of how they had to change in order to survive. I don't doubt that."

"I was going to try and base the later batches on the elves you see in the paintings and statues, but the government pulled the project before I could begin tests." Walter said.

"You were going to try and make elves?" Yuri asked with a smile.

Walter grinned and nodded. "They would be perfect." He said. "All of them would be beautiful, and almost irresistible to human males and females. Martin and his team are unique. They are not completely human, yet they are not completely genome anymore either. They have evolved over the years, and that is why I believe you have become pregnant. The Air Force unit that guarded you when you first arrived and that guard you when you come to earth; their unit is the only other genome unit not to be affected by whatever destroyed the others."

"I don't care how it has happen." Yuri spoke stiffly. "That I will have his child is what is important to me."

"We need to keep your pregnancy quiet Yuri." Walter said his face and voice becoming serious now." I'm quite sure that there are people not yet ready to accept the fact that genomes can breed. Ive already adjusted my files to reflect your pregnancy. It states that you were artificially inseminated with this child. No one can know the truth. Not right now."

Yuri nodded. "I understand. "

Walter smiled and took her hand. "Yuriko should be done with her tests. Why don't we walk down there and get her so you can catch your transport back to EDEN."