:Anla's senior nurse turned from the monitor. Commander we should send a team to that section! They looked to be pretty badly burned! Her eyes widened when she realized Anja wasn't behind her anymore. She snapped her head around and caught a glimpse of Anja racing from the clinic the senior medic right behind her.

The senior nurse nodded approvingly." You heard Commander Peterson's orders!" She barked." All burn victims prep for transport! We have three doctors coming in from the South clinic to assist but this is still her clinic. Lets get to work!"

Martin and Dan had slumped to the ground of the connection tube with the two engineers, sweat pouring from their bodies from the intense heat. Tony and the others from the control module opened the door as integrity rose to twenty-seven percent and the blast of cooler air was very refreshing.

"The integrity is coming back up Skipper!" Tony reported coming over to him.

Martin nodded and looked at the senior engineer." You guys did real well." He said.

The man met Martins eyes and nodded. He hadn't had cause before today to get to know any of the genomes on the station very well, as he didn't quite trust them. After today and what they had done, the man made a mental note to make sure he changed his mind.

"You could have left us". He said softly.

Martin didn't even blink at him. "And let you guys save the day, no way!"He said with a laugh.

The senior engineer chuckled and began to laugh heartily at Martins words. They would have died here if not for Martin and Dan. There was no way they could have sealed all three breaches before the section breached completely and killed them. Martin had disobeyed an order to evacuate, as they could have survived without life support for several minutes. Martin had instead chosen to remain and together attempt to save them all. It had worked, and now the senior engineer was going to be able to hold his wife and daughter again when this day was done.

Anja and her senior medic burst into the connection tube at a dead run and came to screeching halts, Anla's eyes seeking out and finding Martin immediately and then moving to where Danny sat. One of the other members of his team was attempting to treat his badly burned hands. Anja paused for a long moment, the events of the night before still vividly etched in her mind. Danny had fucked her silly giving her pleasure almost on a par to the night she had shared with Martin. The times with Kevin were already long forgotten, washed away with the countless times Danny had erupted into her clutching pussy. Unfortunately now as she looked at Martin she felt regret and remorse for her actions and a sense of betrayal that she had never felt before gripped her. She felt as if she had betrayed Martin in some way and it made cold fingers grip her heart.

Anja went immediately to Martin and knelt in front of him, as he looked up at her. She saw his nose wrinkle just a tiny bit and she knew then that he could smell Danny all over her. She inspected his hands quickly careful not to touch the blistered areas. Second degree burns. She commented. The gloves saved your hands.

Martin nodded slowly the pain still fresh in his senses. Anja turned to the medic." Give him four CCs of morphine and get him to the MED bay ASAP!"

"Roger that Commander." The medic replied.

Anja looked at him. "Martin I..."

Martin shook his head. "You don't need to explain anything to me". He said, his voice soft as he got to his feet.

Anja watched him follow the medic out of the tunnel and she turned to go to where Danny sat. Dan looked up as he felt the soft hands grip his burned ones and his eyes widened when he saw Anla's worried face. He started to pull his hands back, not knowing what to expect.

"Sit still!"She hissed at him, turning his large hands over in her smaller ones to view the damage to the same hands that had roamed her body freely and elicited numerous gasps of pleasure and contentment. Anja removed an injector spray and bandages from the small kit she had thrown over her shoulder on the way out of the clinic and she went to work.


Anja looked at him. "Be quiet." She spoke. She needed to speak with Julie before anything else happened. She remembered hearing Julie say she would explain it to Danny as she was rushing out of the room. She needed it explained to her before things went further. And holding his large hands and treating them, Anja came to the realization that she did not know if she wanted things to proceed further.


Admiral Wallace stood in the center of the clinic looking at the wounded that occupied the beds. He turned as Anja came up beside him. "What was the count Commander Peterson?"He asked.

"Thirteen remain here Admiral". Anja replied." Forty-nine have been moved to other clinics. The most serious were eight burn cases and they were all transported to the burn unit in the first moments after getting here."

William looked at her." That saved their lives I understand."

Anja met his gaze. "Keeping them here would have killed them sir. They needed immediate treatment."

"Moving them could have killed them as well". William told her.

"I made a decision sir". Anja spoke.

William nodded. "Yes you did. And it was the right one. I knew there was hope for you."

"It was only one decision sir". Anja said.

William nodded." Yes it was, just so you remember that not all of your decisions will be correct."

Anja looked at him, her face genuinely curiou"s. And when they arent Admiral?" She asked. "What do you do?"

"Learn from your mistakes and go on". William answered quickly and honestly.

Anja saw Julie enter the clinic from the corner of her eye and her heart quickened." If you will excuse me Admiral, I need to see to someone?"

"Good job here Anja". Bill said," Excellent job."

"Thank you sir", Anja turned and started towards Julie who saw her and met her half way.

"Wheres Danny?" Julie asked concern in her voice.

"This way", Anja said leading her to an office with blacked out windows. Julie looked puzzled as Anja closed the door behind them and turned to face her.

"Anja what is going on? Wheres Danny?"

"He's fine". Anja spoke." Second degree burns on his hands that will heal in a matter of hours due to his genome healing process, the same for Martin."

"I want to see him". Julie said.

"I need answers Julie". Anja said, only now her voice had taken a tone of pleading". What happen to me, to us?"

Julie smiled as she remembered the events of the previous evening and how delicious Anja tasted. I thought we were having an exceptionally wonderful time. She said, folding her arms under her firm breasts. And I don't recall you being forced to fuck Danny back like you were doing when I first showed up, or grab me and start going to town on my pussy either. She stepped closer to Anja, looking down at the shorter woman who Julie had to admit was incredibly sexy and easy to look at.

"Julie I'm not like I need to know"

"You taste like honey. "Julie said softly, reaching up to stroke her cheek.

Anla's eyes closed at her touch and it sent shivers through her body." And you you taste like Mocha." She said softly, opening her eyes and reaching up to hold Julies hand." But I need to know how this happen."

Julie sighed and nodded her head." It happened to me too, seven years ago". She said turning to go to the chair as Anja leaned against the desk." It has to do with the wolf genes that we have grafted to our DNA. The thing is and I asked Doctor Carson about this it only affects one in ten billion women. It is like a feeling, a sense of well being surrounds you. The way Doctor Carson explained it to me is simple really. The Alpha male of a wolf pack uses this aura to attract females to mate with. It has something to do with the chemical composition of the females body and basically it removes all their inhibitions and makes them desire the male. It is not something that they can control at least I don't think so and it doesn't happen unless the female is willing. He doesn't know the full extent of what it does; I don't think any of them do. Maybe the Skipper he discovered it a long time ago."

"Several hours", Anja asked." But we it was nearly.."

Julie nodded. "I know. The female wolves have it as well to a much smaller degree, but I wasn't projecting that when we woke up. What happened between us was something we did."

"We did?" Anja asked incredulous. "I've never entertain the idea of sex with a woman before!"

Julie nodded. "Well neither have I."

Anja looked at her. "But you are Danny is.."

"Were genomes". Julie said without a hint of malice in her voice. "Yes we are but does that make us any less human? I don't think so. "Julie stood up and moved over to her." You are an incredibly sexy woman Anja and without you I would never have discovered this other side to myself, and I gather neither would you."

"But you love him". Anja said.

Julie nodded. "Yes I do. And I know he loves me, but that love is not all consuming. We both know that we are meant for different people. That does not mean we would not very happily wrap ourselves around your luscious body and share you. At the very least we can have some incredible sex!"

"I don't I don't know if I..." Anja stammered.

"You don't know if you can willingly have sex with two Genomes. Especially when one is a woman?"

Anja met her eyes." I need time to sort out what happen last night. "She stated.

Julie leaned over and pressed her lips to Anla's and gave her a soft lingering kiss, her tongue dancing across her warm lips. She stroked Anla's cheek and smiled at her. "Well be waiting if you want to give it another go."

Anja sat there and watched Julie walked out of the office. Her emotions were a huge mess and she did not know which way to go. Julies words rang in her head however. It had been a very pleasurable evening to sense of betrayal of Martin, and that betrayal also was tinged with desire for him. Anja shook her head, her emotions very confused and she was not able to think clearly.

Her senior medic bursting into the office changed all that. "Commander Peterson! Admiral Wallace is calling an emergency meeting in the Command Shed. Thirty minutes!"