Tarifa's eyes were open wide, her body flush and hot. Her shimmering black hair was spread across the end of the couch, her breath coming in deep gulps. She was completely naked; her firm, tanned 34C breasts standing proud. Her nipples were almost painfully erect and covered in Martin's salvia. Her fingers were entwined tightly in Martin's dark hair, and she was in the process of experiencing something that was totally new and wondrous to her.

Tarifa could feel Martin's warm breath on her utterly soaked pussy, his warm tongue slowly licking up the outside of her cunt lips. She had protested at first as Martin's lips and tongue had left her breasts. Her tits were extremely sensitive, and he had driven her to the edge nibbling her burning nipples while his hands squeezed and cupped her breasts. No man had ever manipulated her tits as Martin had and his sharp fangs drew gasps of pleasure and delight as he dragged them softly over her nipples. Tarifa had protested when he descended lower down her abdomen, his tongue leaving a trail of soft kisses and nibbles on her skin. She had tried to pull his face back up, but Martin had pinned her arms to her sides with his strong grasp. A flash of fear had coursed through Tarifa, until that is, she felt his warm moist tongue drag gloriously across her engorged clit, and her entire world exploded.

Tarifa's cry of pleasure was muffled as she bit her bottom lip; the power of the second orgasm Martin gave her collapsing all her barriers, causing her supple body to arch off the couch as she erupted in orgasm. His soft lips had fastened over her spasming pussy and he had drunk her juices as if he was dying of thirst. He did not stop there once she had collapsed back to the couch her chest heaving in unimaginable bliss. His lips and tongue continued to dance across her sensitive pussy and clit, alternating between soft nibbles and licks, and his warm tongue plunging deeply into her dripping snatch. Tarifa had not even recovered from her first orgasm, before a second even more powerful one caused her to shudder almost violently in his grasp and reward him with more of her sweet juices which he hungrily lapped up.

Martin was nearly beyond control as he stared at the beautiful pussy in front of his face. It was open like a butterfly now, dripping with Tarifa's peach tasting cum, and one of the most beautiful sights Martin had ever seen. His mind was thrown back years to a similar sight of even more beauty in his eyes, the soft Persian red hair above the erect clit and proud pussy lips.

The thin line of perfectly trimmed black hair just above her erect and stimulated clit only added to the beauty of Tarifa's pussy, and Martin had buried his nose in that soft hair more than once since beginning his feast. He was ready now, having freed himself of his combat boots and pants, and his thick twelve inch cock was throbbing almost painfully. The single long vein that traversed the length of his pulsing shaft was standing out prominently, the head of his cock flared and leaking pre-cum. Slowly Martin dragged his tongue back up Tarifa's quivering body, tracing every contour of her abdomen and her perfect tits. He dipped his head to the side of her face, his tongue trailing along the edge of her elfin ear all the way to very point, eliciting gasps of pleasure from Tarifa, her hands clutching his shoulders. It was then he discovered that the ridges of her ears were an erogenous zone.

Tarifa's eyes grew large when she felt the head of his huge cock graze her erect clit and he dragged the entire length of his throbbing shaft slowly over her clit as he teased her ear. Tarifa wrapped her arms around his back, her eyes wide in astonishment and wondering if his huge cock would ever end, and hoping it never would. Her eyes finally closed in bliss when she felt his hot heavy balls press against her dripping pussy. And then he began to drag his thick cock back down her clit, and Tarifa had to grit her teeth as another orgasm ripped through her. Her nails dug into his powerful back, her elfin strength causing Martin to hiss in her ear until he was looking at her with blazing dark eyes filled with nothing but passion and want.

Tarifa kissed him hard, shoving her tongue between his lips to do battle with his own tongue. It was a battle she quickly lost, as his warm tongue possessed her. She took his face in her hands, pulling his lips away from her while she still had some semblance of control. She felt the huge hot head of his cock press against the entrance to her cunt, parting her pussy lips ever so slightly.

"Martin it's… you are too big!" Tarifa gasped as he lowered his face to her throat, his fangs nibbling her skin.

Martin raised his head to stare at her, his eyes now the same yellow and black orbs, as they had been when he had rescued her. Tarifa knew then he had allowed the animal in him to come out. He smiled at her, his fangs clearly evident. "I won't hurt you!" She heard him say as the huge head of his cock pressed against her slippery cunt lips. Tarifa's eyes grew huge, her mouth opened and her lips forming a circle as she felt him slowly push more of his massive cock into her.

The total wetness of her cunt allowed Martin to slide four inches of his thick cock into her blazing hot and velvety pussy. Tarifa's pussy clamped down on his cock with incredible strength and he gasped in pleasure, his mouth open and his fangs extended to their full length of nearly a full inch. The tightness and heat of her pussy brought back intense memories of another feeling and as those flash of that equally beautiful face burned its way across his brain it was entirely too much for him and with loud grunt Martin's cock erupted inside her. Tarifa eye's rolled back into her head as she felt him explode into her depths with a force unlike anything she had ever felt. His boiling hot cum flooded her belly, triggering an orgasm so intense it dwarfed the others before it. Her sweet juices splashed wetly over his erupting cock, and without any resistance at all, she felt Martin's entire twelve inch cock slid into her depths until his heavy spurting balls planted firmly against her ass cheeks. It was at that moment that Tarifa became whole. The rapes she had endured in her life, the slobbering idiots who had drooled over her, even the male elves that had tried to please her, all of them passed into nothing as Martin's cock reached into her depths and filled her with his essence. Tarifa felt no pain as the largest cock she had ever seen, let alone feel inside her, bottomed out within the depths of her clutching pussy and sent her into a land of pleasure she never dreamed could exist.

The only thing she was aware of at the moment was the continually erupting cock inside her and her own orgasm that was gripping her with such intensity she thought her muscles were going to rip through her skin.

And then Tarifa screamed in wanton bliss, no longer caring who heard her.

Martin joined her, an almost wolf like howl escaping from his throat as Tarifa's powerful legs clamped together at the small of his back and her arms went around his shoulders. The heat and tightness of her sweet pussy was too much for his control to bear, and when her cunt began to milk his thick cock he howled.

Endith burst into the cockpit of the Raptor at the sound of Tarifa's scream. No one else had awakened due to his or her own exhaustive sleep, and only Endith had heard the rapturous cries. She saw Tina pulling the door to the observation deck closed just as she entered a small smile on her face.

"The Queen," Endith gasped.

Tina looked at Ben, who was still sleeping soundly and then back to Endith. "Something tells me that your Queen does not want to be disturbed at this moment." She said.

"The beast is killing her!" Endith exclaimed.

Tina turned to a small screen on the console and activated it. "Tell me something. Does this look like he's killing your Queen?"

Confused Endith stepped to the screen and her eyes flew open. She saw her queen underneath Martin's naked body, her legs locked around his waist while her hands seemed to be trying to draw him closer to her. Her face was contorted into a blissful mask as she showered Martin's shoulder and the side of his face with kisses and bites.

"What… what is he doing to her?" Endith asked almost stupidly.

Tina smiled. "If I had to guess, I'd say he is banging the crap out of her." Tina turned the monitor off and took her arm. "I gather from your expression that you have never… you've never had a man make love to you?"

Endith looked at her shyly. "My duty has always been to protect the Queen. I… I never had time for such… experiences."

Tina's eyebrow went up in a thoughtful manner. She had never entertained the thought of sex with another woman, but this elf Endith was very hot looking, and she and Ben had always talked of spicing up their love life. "Let's talk Endith."

Martin was still as hard as steel buried deeply inside Tarifa's tight pussy as he lifted his head from where he had buried it in her hair when he had started to cum. He opened his eyes slowly to look at Tarifa, hoping not to see pain and anger. He had lost control and plunged into her depths more quickly than he had intended as he blasted his cum into her. When he looked at her face, she was looking up at him with a dreamy smile, her lips wet from his kisses and her own salvia.

"Hi." He said softly, unable to think of anything else at the moment.

Tarifa stared into his eyes and saw what she had always sought to see in a man's eyes. She saw an adoring love and passion, and all of it directed at her. "Hello." She answered him back with the sweetest smile she could muster.

"Tarifa… I…"

"I want more." Tarifa told him firmly, looking directly into his eyes.

"Ex… excuse me?" Martin said.

"I want… I want you to take… to take me again!" As if to emphasize her request Tarifa clenched her pussy muscles around his belly filling cock, and she grinned almost wickedly when Martin groaned loudly.

"Tarifa… you… I…"

Tarifa, using her elfin strength and taking him completely by surprise, pushed Martin off her chest and into a sitting position. His hands went instinctively to her ass cheeks and held their groins together as she pushed him back onto the couch. Tarifa groaned as his massive cock sank even deeper into her blazing hot pussy, and her head fell to his shoulder as she quivered in a tiny orgasm from just that small motion. She was impaled so deeply on his immense shaft that her tight ass was resting atop his equally large balls. She clutched his shoulders, sitting on his cock while the orgasm passed slowly, once more coating his thick shaft with her juices. Finally she brought her head up and gently took his surprised face in her hands, kissing him deeply. She made it a point to crush her firm tits into his powerful chest, her sensitive nipples pressed into his hot skin and sending small shivers through her.

Tarifa drew back from their kiss, trailing her moist tongue across his lips sensuously, relishing in the taste of her own pussy juices on his lips. She looked at him with wide sapphire eyes that projected her own hungry passion.

"You… you have purged me Martin Hunter." Tarifa told him. "You have purged me of all men who have ever taken me against my will."

"I… I just did the same thing!" Martin told her confused.

Tarifa shook her head quickly. "No… you did no such thing!" She spoke caressing his face. "You freed me from the fear."

Martin closed his eyes, partly from Tarifa's clenching pussy and the pleasure it sent crashing through his brain, and partly because he was ashamed he had lost control. "I lost control Tarifa." He said finally. "I let… I let the beast within me take over."

Tarifa smiled at him. "Do you honestly believe I would be…I would be sitting in your lap with your beautiful cock still inside me… if you had forced me?" She asked.

"I…" Martin could not put into words what was going through his head.

Tarifa saw his confusion and remembered the words of the Holy One in the transmission he had left for Martin. She can be the rock you need to begin rebuilding what has been destroyed. The Queen of the Wood Elves is Dysea. You will not mistake her for someone else when you see her Martin, for she is the one I hope you will begin rebuilding your life with Tarifa knew at that moment what the Holy One had meant. This man that had so possessed her, he was the future, and whether they would remain lovers or move on to others, they would always be together. Tarifa took his hands from where they rested on her ass and placed them on her tits, holding them to her firm melons.

"That beast inside you is what purged me Martin." Tarifa spoke, holding her hands over his on her breasts. "Now I want that beast to possess my very being and set me free."

Martin's eyes grew a little brighter at her words and he leaned forward slightly, flexing his cock inside her. Tarifa smiled at his action and moved her hands to his face where she stared into those eyes that had so enthralled her from the moment she had met him.

"Possess me Martin!" She gasped at him. "Make love to me until I am screaming in your arms. Fuck me until we can no longer move!" Tarifa saw his fangs begin to extend again his eyes changing color and she smiled as he took his hand from her tit and replaced it with his warm mouth, "AHHHHH… yes!"

Tarifa yelped in surprise when Martin flipped them over on the couch, keeping her impaled around his cock. She watched him with dreamy eyes as he brought her legs forward and in front of him, confusion on her face until she realized he was turning her around. Tarifa whimpered as she allowed him to rotate her body in front of him, his huge cock sending ripples of delight surging throughout her burning body. He turned her until she was on her knees in front of him, her pussy already leaking cum around his firmly buried cock. She clutched the back of the couch and turned her face to look at him, smiling when she saw his eyes had changed again to black with yellow pupils. She hissed in disappointment as he slowly withdrew his huge pulsing cock until only the enormous head remained inside her. She pushed back against him, trying to swallow his shaft again, and she moaned when he held her still. She felt him lean forward next to her head and his hand brushed her silky black hair from her pointed ear. She felt his warm breath next to her ear and she shivered when his tongue extended and traced her ear lobe. Tarifa would never discover how he knew that her elfin ears were an extremely sexual pleasure point, at least not this night.

"Take me Martin!" She gasped loudly.

"I will!" Martin whispered into her ear.

Tarifa felt him reach under her arms and grasp her breasts in his hands, her nipples crushed against his strong palms. Martin gasped into her ear before tightening his grip on her breasts and plunging into her depths in one powerful and soul stealing thrust.

Tarifa's eyes nearly bugged out of her head as Martin slammed into her deeper than he had ever been before, and she screamed out her joy as the most powerful orgasm she had yet to experience erupted within her like a volcano bursting from the earth. His huge cock reached a place inside her that it had not yet touched, and when it did, Tarifa lost all control herself. She fucked him back as hard as her elfin strength would allow, their hips coming together in loud slapping noises and his now cum filled balls banging against her thighs. This was nothing like Tarifa had ever imagined. It was so powerful, so intense and so animalistic that it was driving her into a sexual frenzy.

Martin's eyes were closed tightly, his mouth open and his fangs in full extension as he grasped Tarifa's hips and stroked into her in powerful twelve inch plunges. He had never felt heat and silky wetness like this only once before, and her pussy was contracting around his huge cock in continual orgasms. He had only been thrusting into her for a few minutes and Martin felt that familiar surge through his balls and stomach. He clenched his teeth and pulled her up to him in one final will destroying plunge into her tightness. When Tarifa's arms reach over her shoulders to clutch his head, Martin let go.

"Fill me Martin!" Tarifa cried out as she felt Martin's cock grow impossibly huge inside her and erupt. Tarifa's eyes rolled into the back of her head again when his first blast inside her clutching pussy triggered her own earth shattering orgasm.

The force of Martin's strokes into her depths drove them both to the floor, and Tarifa felt his weight upon her back, his cock spraying his cum into her belly, their hips locked together. His hands took hers as they settled to the floor and Tarifa rested her head in his embrace as Martin continued to empty searing hot cum into her, and her own pussy spasmed in one raging orgasm after another.

It did not stop until Tarifa felt Martin bottom out inside her one last time, the last of his cum filling her. She felt Martin pull her tightly to him, his arm wrapping around her chest so that his hands could cup her breast. He curled up into almost a fetal position, Tarifa's body mirroring his, his huge cock slowly softening inside her. Martin made no move to extract himself from her body, oblivious of their combined cum soaking both of their lower bodies, and only pulled her even closer to him. This action made Tarifa smile seductively and she felt his lips touch her ear.

"Are… are you ok?" He asked softly.

Tarifa's smile grew even larger and she nodded her head without opening her eyes. "I am simply divine." She told him in a whisper. She sighed in contentment as Martin pulled her even closer and it was then they drifted into a peaceful sleep.